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Not an update butttttt


this fandom has got to be the best out there. It's been five incredible and amazing years of the boys. I have not actually been here since XFactor days, for I am from the land of the free (*cough* America *cough*). But, I heard about the boys in 2011 and it's insane that I personally have been head over heels for them for four years now. I first heard about them during a really rough time for me. I was having a really hard time with all things school and stuff was happening in my personal life that just all in all, sucked. I was low. But One Direction saved me, don't take offense to me using this but, slowly and then all at once.

Recently this year I hit bottom. As you all know my boyfriend of a really long time cheated on me, turns out it was repeatedly. I cried, a lot. I removed myself from any social activities I usually did simply because, I didn't want to anymore. I talked to maybe three people on a regular basis. I barely ate and slept but when I did it was forced. I was fragile. I contemplated a lot of terrible things that I really regret. I had quite a few harmful thoughts. But one day during it all I remembered what the boys did for me four years ago, so I turned to them in my time of need. They saved me.

People outside of this fandom don't understand what these boys actually do for us. Saying this will probably get me hunted down but oh well.

Zayn left us. He did. But we cannot ignore or forget all that he did do for us in the past. I'm not defending anything, only stating that he did help a lot of us through some tough times.

Anyways. One Direction is more than a band. They're a family. The One Direction fandom is more than a bunch of pre-teen/teen/young adult girls in a craze.  We're a family. Over the past five years those boys have made it very clear that we are all family, them and us, together.

So happy five years, boys. And here's to all that lies ahead...

That's a video by @OneDrecti0nFans on Twitter the "o" in 'drection' is actually a zero, very cleverly Jey. It's amazing, the video, I'd be lying if I said I didn't cry. Please go watch it

All the love xx

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