Awkward (14)

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Once we had left the airport, Laura and I grabbed a taxi towards the dorms that exo were temporarily staying at for the duration of their stay at Singapore. We had finally arrived there and I was nervously anticipating what was about to happen. As if she was reading mind my mind, Laura told that there was nothing to worry about and that if I ever needed her, I could always talk to her; she truly was the bestest friend.

We rang the doorbell and I could here the sound of Tao shouting "they're here, they're here! Hide everybody quickly!" which made Laura and I burst into fits of laughter. We opened the door and were welcomed with exo jumping up and shouting "WE MISSED YOU!" They had even made a banner and had prepared food and decorations. Immediately we huddled into a big hug and I ran to tightly squeeze Baekhyun as I had missed him severely.

Out of my peripheral vision, I could see Kai climbing up the stairs, moping. Once I had finished hugging Baekhyun I followed him upstairs. Frustration was boiling up inside of me that he didn't even have the courtesy to say hello or apologise for not calling me back yet I couldn't help thinking that I still loved him. Once I had reached the top of the staircase, I could see him at the end of the corridor about to enter his room. Suddenly, without even meaning to I shouted

"Why didn't you call me back?" the words came out without any control of my own, I was frustrated but also sad

He immediately jolted his head backwards, extremely surprised to see that I was standing there.

"Why didn't I call you back?!" He asked confused and slightly angrily

"Well done, you can repeat my question, so now why don't you answer it?" I didn't mean to sound so rude but I had gone several weeks without him even telling me why he had stopped contacting me

"What are you talking about?" he said frustrated, whilst quickly walking up to me "you never returned any of my calls and I waited by my phone for weeks to see if you would ever phone me back. In the end I gave up, I guessed that you wanted us to end which broke my heart every day and seeing you now is impossible because I know that I will just get my heart broken again and get my hopes up like last time." His face was so close to mine that I could feel him breathing on me

"What?! I phoned you every single day, waiting for a response and then when I face time the rest of exo you don't even look at me.." by this point I had started to tear up and my vision had gone blurry from the water in my eyes. A tear fell and Jongin, being the gentleman that he was, gently wiped it with his thumb and I couldn't help but look into his eyes which were also looking straight into mine. I could feel his face coming closer to mine and in an instant our lips touched. It seemed like all of our problems had vanished away and he lifted me up, taking me into his bedroom. He carefully put me down onto the bed as he lay on top of me, kissing me all over. I couldn't help but let out a slight moan in which a cute smile grew upon his face.

Suddenly, D.O walked in on us.

"Oh my gosh!" he suddenly exclaimed trying to cover his eyes. Startled, we quickly stood up on the opposite eyes of the bed giggling to each other. "I-I-I'm sorry, it's just Kris wanted to talk to you, Kai, and so I knocked to see if you were busy, which you clearly were so um, sorry about that. And also, because I care about both of you, and I mean this in the least awkwardest way but use protection,  please.." he explained and was about to leave the room when Kai and I both stopped him

"Kyungsoo oppa, wait, I was just about to leave anyway so I'll go and get Kris oppa to come in here and talk to Jongin" I said and quickly rushed out of the room to avoid all of the awkwardness.

(a/n) I'm going to leave it there for now and will continue in the next chapter to see what happens. Sorry it's so abrupt. Also A HUGE HUGE HUGE MENTION TO PEACE_LOVE_MUSTANGS! Thank you so so so much for voting on all of the chapters in this story so far. I would love to say a huge thank you to anyone else reading this at the moment however because names don't pop up in my notifications unless they vote or comment, I just wanted to say a big thank you towards Peace_Love_Mustangs because it is so sweet of you to be voting on my stories; sorry I am making such a big deal out of this but, I have never really gotten anyone to vote on every single one of my stories and I guess it shows that they enjoy what I write? Anyway, I am so grateful towards you for making my day, lots of love



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