The Airport (13)

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Two days had passed and I had finally finished packing up to go and see exo. Mum, dad and the rest of exo's parents were taking the flight to Singapore (where they currently were) in 5 days whereas Laura and I were taking the flight today.

I woke up with excitement bubbling up inside of me yet there were pangs of anxiousness once and again at the thought of seeing Kai and what our relationship had come to; I had reassured myself that there must have been some sort of misconnection on the phones so that we would still be together.

Laura came to my house in a taxi full of her luggage and she knocked on my door with a camera in her hands - she was currently vlogging. As I opened the door with a bountiful amount of suitcases, I waved at the camera in a friendly manner and joked that I hoped that her viewers wouldn't find me weak as it was a struggle to carry all of my luggage. Laura giggled whilst helping me with the heavy bags.

Luckily, I wasn't wearing heals or anything that would make it hard for me to carry my luggage in the airport. My attire for the day was shorts with a pastel pink sleeveless collared top. My hair was tied up into a messy bun so that it wouldn't get in the way and I was wearing my white high tops.

"Awh, your outfit is so cute!" Laura remarked however I had to tell her that hers was adorable. She was wearing a black skater skirt with a white sleeveless collared top and wearing her white high tops like me. We looked like twins wearing a really similar outfit!

I said my goodbyes to my parents and they told me to be safe and responsible over the next few days.

"Bye love you both loads!" I exclaimed whilst blowing them kisses

"Bye auntie and uncle, have a safe flight to Singapore!" Laura beamed, waving and smiling

"You too girls, remember to be really safe! Lots of love!" The exclaimed and we hurried to the taxi in fear of missing our flight.

Luckily, we got to the airport with time to spare and so once they had checked our tickets and passports, we decided to go to the shops inside the airport. It was filled with people going about their travels and it was lovely embracing everyone's cultures even though we technically hadn't gone anywhere yet. Laura had been vlogging the whole journey and it was lovely having her to share this flight with; we laughed, played and watched so many movies on the flight so that we slept like babies.

The flight attendant finally announced that the journey was over and once we landed, I got a real sense of excitement yet at the back of my mind, I knew that there was a nervous confrontation that was about to occur.

Exo's Little Sister (COMPLETED) Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz