The Surprise (11)

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1 month later

Laura's YouTube channel had blown up and she had received 900,000 subscribers, because of this she was always going to meet ups like vidcon and even going to festivals like Coachella. Of course, she always invited me however, I was a few months younger than Laura and even though I was going to be 17 next week, my parents weren't going to allow to me to go on trips on my own yet till I was 17.  

After exo left 1 month ago, we (exo and I) always stayed in contact with each other, facetiming with each other and calling and texting every other hour. Baekhyun always texted me in the morning and at night, asking if I was okay. However, for the first week, Kai and I used to talk with each other non stop but afterwards he stopped returning my calls and when I group face timed with the rest of exo he always looked anxious and never made eye contact with me. In fact, I think the last time that I actually spoke with him was a few weeks ago; I don't know, but I am really annoyed with him because he has no right to stop talking to me all of a sudden and not even notify me

Anyway lets get back to the present moment, I woke up this morning and headed downstairs. Mum and dad were sitting at the dining table beadily waiting for me with an envelope in their hands.

"Sweetheart, good morning!" They both beamed

"morning mumsie, morning dadsie!" I chirped

"Well as you know someone's birthday is coming up next week!" Mum explained

"Yes, I believe someone is going to be 17?" Dad asked

"You guys, your acting is the worst but I love you for trying!" I giggled

"Okay, okay! You've got us, however seeing as it is your birthday next week, we have an early birthday surprise for you!" Mum exclaimed

"Awh, that's so sweet of you!" I beamed as dad handed me an envelope

Once I opened it, I saw a message inside with 3 tickets

Dear Miss Jasmine,

For your birthday, you, your parents and  the rest of exo's family will be invited to stay on the rest of exo's world tour. You will have backstage passes to all of their concerts and finally be reunited with them.

There are most likely a few questions that you will be wondering. First and foremost, your education will continue; like exo, you will be provided with on tour tutors to keep up with your education. Secondly, Laura will also be joining us as not only a friend on the tour however we also believe that if her and exo joined then it create major publicity towards both counter parties. Laura would gain Kpop fans and exo would obtain YouTube fans - a win win situation.

You will be sharing a room with Laura on this tour and if you have anymore questions please do not hesitate to contact us,

Yours Faithfully

SM Entertainment

P.S Thank your parent's, exo's family (including Laura) and exo for creating this experience for you!

"Oh my goodness! Thank you so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so much! I love the exo family and I can't wait to be spending so much more time with them, you and exo!" I squealed whilst hugging my parent's as tightly as possible.

"You have to get packing, our flight is tomorrow!" Mum said as I dashed upstairs whilst wondering what to bring; it hadn't occurred to me that it may begin to feel awkward whilst being around Kai so much but maybe matters will get better...

Exo's Little Sister (COMPLETED) Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz