Leaving (9)

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Today was the day that I had been dreading. All of last night was spent tossing, turning and mostly crying. 12 of the most important people in my life were going to be leaving...

Kris - my over protector

Tao - My shoulder to cry on

Chan Yeol - the funny one

Chen - My troll

D.O - The kind and caring one; I could always talk to him about anything

Suho - My basically adopted older brother

Lay - My shy unicorn

Sehun - My cute and bubbly maknae and hug monster; even though he is technically older than me

Luhan - My sporty deer; playing football with him always put a smile on my face

Xiumin - the cute and squishy baozi

Kai - My ray of sunshine even when I am feeling down

Baekhyun - Words cannot begin to describe how much I love him!

I had helped Baekhyun pack up his stuff the night before and we had already put it beside the front door. It was about 6:00 am in the morning and their flight was at 11:00am. Uncontrollably, tears starting drowning me and Baekhyun immediately came to hug me. He didn't let go of me when we got into the car and only until we got into the airport did he let go because he knew that I wanted to say goodbye to everybody else. The rest of the members of their band, Exo, came one by one into the airport. I went to hug each goodbye, giving them personal gifts that I had got for them the day before, one by one. Kai was the last one to arrive.

He reluctantly, went out from the car that he was in and I could see that he had tears in his eyes. His parents and him came into the airport where they greeted everybody. He couldn't bear to look me in the eyes as he knew that he would start crying. Finally when he had said goodbye to Laura and the rest of the parents, he came up to me. I could see that his eyes were red and puffy and he was trying to avoid my eyes.

"Kai.." I whispered

"I know, it's just I can't bear this. I mean I am so happy but then what about you? How am I going to spend the rest of this year without hearing your annoying voice, seeing your smile and seeing you? How am I..?" He wearily asked

"Kai.." I interrupted him "Apart from the fact that you find my voice annoying.." I said as I nudged him and giggled "a wise person once told me of the powers of the internet and Wi-Fi... you know you won't be able to get rid of me that easily. I will constantly be phoning, face timing and texting you; in fact you will probably want to get rid of me. However, what I am trying to say is that no matter what, we will always be together!" I explained to him whilst trying not to cry

He immediately brought his lips to mine and held me close.

"I love you" we both whispered to each other and quickly kissed before it was time for him to go.

Baekhyun came up to me and gave me the biggest, greatest and cuddliest hug.

"Sis, if you ever need me, I will just be a phone call away. I promise that I will never be too busy for you even if what you want to ask is what flavour of ice cream you should get. Remember if you ever want me I will always be there for you, no matter what. Honestly I will hop on a flight straight back to you if you want! I love you!" He exclaimed

"I love you more!" I exclaimed back and we hugged for a little longer

After that, exo slowly went out of my sight into the airport, and it was time to head back home. How I was ever going to cope without them around?

Exo's Little Sister (COMPLETED) Where stories live. Discover now