A Change of Events (6)

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At about 11:00pm most of us decided to leave and go back home apart from Chen and his family, who were staying at Luhan's house for the night. I thanked Lu's parents for their wonderful hostility and for the lovely afternoon as I made my way towards the car. As soon as I sat down and put my seatbelt on, I instantly fell asleep.

I remember waking up 30 minutes later to the sound of the car pulling in to the driveway. Baekhyun was asleep on my shoulders whereas I could see mum and dad doing there best to be quiet. They eventually gently woke us up and we all went inside the house. After brushing my teeth and changing into my pyjamas I rushed to bed because at this point I was knackered.

A few months later

 I was awoken by the noise of my alarm to the song 'Wake me up' by Avicii. Baekhyun had gone to a meeting early in the morning with a company about a matter which I hadn't taken too much notice into.  As I checked my phone, I realised that I had gotten a missed text message from Kai:

'Morning sleepy head, call me when you wake up, am at a meeting with Baek and the rest of us 12 so will be free from after 8:00 to talk xxx <3'  sent at 6:00am

As soon as I was about to reply he immediately phoned me

"Heyy Kai-eey!" I exclaimed

"Hi" he said rather depressed

"What's the matter K, are you alright..?" I asked rather anxiously

"It's just, something has happened in which I am really excited but there are a few downfalls to it and basically I can't tell you yet because  Baekhyun should be the one to explain the matter to you and please please please remember that nothing will change and it won't be for very long... and we're still together no matter what!" he said in a concerned but very cute way

"Okay, I trust you Kai, will speak to you later.." and with that we both hung up

This had made me concerned and fairly worried; what could be so exciting that there are a few downfalls to? What could possibly be a threat to our relationship? I better wait until Baekhyun arrives back home.

To distract myself, I went downstairs and made myself a bowl of cereal with milk and poured some fresh orange juice into a glass. I hurried into the dining room and ate my breakfast whilst contemplating what the matter could be. Mum and dad had gone to work so the house was empty and eerily quiet.

After about an hour, Baekhyun arrived home with a mixture of emotions.

"Sis, are you home?" He shouted

"yes, just washing up dishes in the kitchen, are you okay? Kai said that you had something to talk to me about; he sounded serious," I explained

"Well actually there is something I need to talk to you about.." he answered

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