Chapter 11 - Please, keep your bird at a safe distance.

Start from the beginning

I pulled on my clothes and dragged myself to the bathroom, then stood staring into the mirror at my grubby face and bed-mussed hair.

Now, how can i fix this.

I decided on a shower, and after rubbing my hair dry i grabbed some fresh clothes and followed the delicious sent of bacon down the stairs.

"Smells good, Charms." I said as i sat at the table in front of a stacked high plate of bacon, french toast, beans, tomato, mushrooms and sausages.

"I could say the same about you, what is that? Raspberry shampoo by any chance? Ladies hair products suit you, Jase." She giggled as she put food on her own plate.

Jase...  I liked it, no one had called me that before.

"So, who's this friend of yours that we're seeing today?" I asked shoveling french toast into my mouth.

"His name is Hermit, i met him when he was around 10. He was left in a hut in the woods by his parents and i found him whilst on a mission. His parents were very religious, and Hermit is a warlock, so when he started doing magic they thought he was possessed, so they left him."

"How could you do that to a child..." I muttered.

"It was a good job i found him too, he was just about dead when i stumbled across him. So i fed him and clothed him and gave him a place to live. He's like a brother to me. When he turned 17 he decided to move out of my house and he went back to the hut in the woods, he rarely comes out now, he stays there making weapons and odd contraptions... So when we get there, just watch what you touch." She warned as she finished her plate of food.

"That doesn't sound too promising..."

"He made most of the weapons we use here actually, he's got a brilliant mind, and that's why we need him. He makes great weapons to suit all our needs, he's second to none with a parrying staff and he's incredibly smart."

"Then what are we waiting for?" I pushed up from the table and took away Notorious' plate and my own plate, placing them next to the kitchen sink.

"My bike is being picked up later today, so for now we'll take the jag." She said, opening the front door.

"Ohh now we're talking!" I grinned.


Notorious took the drivers seat and let the jaguar XF purr to life.

"Why would you ever take the bike when you have this baby!"

"1. I love my bike, so zip it. 2. This is my baby so if i see even one fingerprint on it i will dismember you." Notorious said, pointing a finger at Jason.

"I don't doubt that what so ever." He said back.

The garage door opened and with a roar Notorious and Jason were speeding down the country roads.

"Charms, whats in the box? Because i think its moving..." Jason asked, looking at the box in the back seat.

"A little surprise for you, open it." Notorious said with a suspicious grin.

Jason opened the box and out flew a red and yellow bird that perched its self on the dash board.

Jason yelped and Notorious laughed at him and petted the bird.

"You forgot to pick up Butterscotch, so i had Laylan bring her over last night. Just, uh, keep her away from Hermit, he has a bad habit of blowing up his cat and i wouldn't put it past him to blow up yours."

"There's no way I'm calling her Butterscotch. I'm calling her Bird."

"You and Laylan should never reproduce, your naming skills are awful." Notorious shook her head.

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