ss-6 (Part 5)

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Spell D-I-V-O-R-C-E


I tried to talk to him. But I’ve never seen Steven like this.

He wasn’t mad. Rather he looked disappointed. Worse, he seemed hurt. I know it’s too difficult for both of us to end it like this but I can’t imagine what he’s going through right now.

Best to keep my mouth shut, I know.

But if there was anything I could say…I would. He was my best friend. Well, he was a childhood best friend.

There was another particular person running up first. Hmm…I hid my smile as I remembered the picture from when I was a kid.

I was so young but I could still remember it. I could remember how I entered the room and saw him first before anything or anyone else.

Maybe we had a couple of weeks or maybe a month or two before he went away. But still, I could remember him and that brief time when we played around the music room and painted the blank canvases different colors.

I think that’s where my inspiration and passion for painting came from. Just maybe, though, because in a way I’m still foggy on the details; but trust me when I say I could remember his gentle blue eyes…

“Will you promise me something, please?”

I snapped away from my reverie and looked at Steven. “Anything…,”

“If you marry him, be happy, alright? I don’t want to give you up for something—someone—that doesn’t really deserve you. Right now, you proved to me that I’m not the one but Diane,”

I looked away to close my eyes. It was painful. He was in pain…because of me.

“Prove to me that you found the right one.”

What should I say to that? I asked myself. Then the car stopped. I didn’t say anything. Instead, I took off my seat belt and leaned in to him, turning his face to mine and kissed him more deeply than I had before. I wanted him to feel how much it’s hard for me to let him go, too. I wanted him to know that he was the one—he was the guy any girl is asking for—but it just happens that he isn’t the one for me, at least not in this lifetime.

I want to say sorry. I want him to know that.

As I broke away, I felt it all ending. I got off the car and entered the church.

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Spell D-I-V-O-R-C-E



I saw him run and I saw him get in the car. I saw him drive away. And I saw myself running to Annie.

“What’s happening?”

She looked at me and said, “He knows.”

Know…? I began to question. Know what…?

Then Annie cocked her head to the side as if in confusion. “You didn’t know.”

“I didn’t know what?” I asked her and she leaned in.

Debby came in behind her. Annie said the words slowly and as she said it, I couldn’t speak. “Diane is getting divorced.”

Divorced, I laughed at myself. “Are you serious?” I demanded and Annie nodded.

“You’re her best friend,” Debby says. “Aren’t you supposed to be in the know?”

I shrugged. “No one tells me anything these days.”

“That’s because you’re not around most a the time,” Anna jumps in beside me, her accent thicker than ever. “And because you aren’t suppose to date your best friend’s ex,”

“Hold up!” I protested and glared at her. “I never dated him. And he was never her ex.”

“But he was a possible love interest, Sammy…you’re not supposed to be foolin’ around with him and yet—”

“Look here, housewife,” I growled and tried to calm down but couldn’t. “This isn’t your business no more.”

“I’m her best friend, just so you know.” She snaps. “Heck I’m more like her sister. I’ve been there when she needed me.”

“But not as long as I have,” I said.

“Oh please!” She laughs bitterly. “You were there for her as long as you flirted with Bryan!”

“You little—”

“Put a sock in it, girls,” Johnny grabs Anna and looks at me. “Now you go home. You’ve had enough to drink. And you,” he turns to Anna. “Come with me. You haven’t told me that something yet.”

Before he could completely hurl off Anna, the girl who is between Hell and somewhere completely down the middle, she gave me a smirk and leaned in close. “Something big is going to happen that you can’t even stop.”

And I began to wonder if the divorce was only the beginning of the downfall of everything else I thought was beautiful.

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