Chapter Four | The Interrogation

Start from the beginning

"Why did you do it?" he asked coldly, somehow managing to make the question still sound like a demand.

"I was told to," I answered, before adding, "but if it clears your conscience, it was quick and relatively painless. Although.. I'm not a hundred percent sure on that last one, I've never really been shot in the head before."

Silence once again fell over the room, the hum of what I could only assume was the generators droning on in the background. He seemed to be carefully choosing his next words, as if they could physically hurt me if he decided on the wrong ones. Or he was just plotting my murder. You know, whatever works.

"Who told you?"

I gave him a faux pout. "Unfortunately, I gave my word that I wouldn't spill any tea."

He threw one of his infamous Bat-Glares directly at me, when I held up a hand to prevent him from speaking. "Fortunately for you, my word doesn't mean jack," I said, sitting up straight and entitled as if I was a child who had just pleased their parents, "it was Fish."


"No," I rolled my eyes, sarcasm dripping off of my words, "the other famous crime boss in Gotham named Fish. Of course it was Mooney!"

"Why did she want you to do it?"

I shrugged. "Rule one of being a half-thief-half-merc, you don't ask questions when you get a job. Well, technically, she did explain to me, but it's not like I actually listened. Though knowing Fish, it probably had something to do with one of her ex's."

Actually, no it didn't. It's true, I didn't listen to her speech, but I knew it definitely had something to do with money. I mean, I already kind of ratted her out to Batman, of all people, so the least I could do was keep her reasons a secret. And so far? I'm pretty sure the 'World's Greatest Detective' was buying it.

"You're lying."

Or.. not.

I feigned shock, putting a hand over my heart. "Lie? Muah? Never! I just.. didn't tell the whole truth."

He was sitting so still to the point where it was starting to get creepy. How did he do that?

He's Batman, duh.

I glared at the wall in front of me, not even noticing that Batsy was saying anything.

Shut up, voice of logic! Wait.. I have one of those?

Yes I don't like to come out often but yes. Now focus!

It was like he molded into the shadows around the room. He was just a mass of dark black with two slits of white; the only thing keeping me sane was the fact that there was a human somewhere under there. And I can now say proudly that there was a human, because I had seen it. Ha! Still can't get over that. Man, he really looks intimidating in that cape. How dumb. I won't let myself be intimidated by fabric! Maybe I should get a capeー


The stern voice pulled me out of my jumble of thoughts. My eyes snapped back to the whites of his cowl. I flashed him a quirky grin. "Hm?"

A small, almost unnoticeable growl. "What do you know?"

"I don't know. A lot of things," I said as I began to count each thing off on my hand, "how to count to a hundred, how to tie my shoes, how to shoot a gun from thirty yardsー"

"What. Do. You. Know."

I scoffed, crossing my arms. "Things. But why would I tell you? It's not like your actually gonna kill me or anything."

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