Chapter 14

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Kurt couldn't shake the smile from his face. He had gone the entire day without the haunting feeling of being watched. He had also gotten Blaine's phone number and had texted with him all through class. They went from one random topic to another. He knew he was being rather obvious with his phone, but the teacher either didn't care or was really unobservant.

Kurt also knew that he was bothering Mercedes a little. She constantly glanced over in his direction but never said anything. Kurt didn't intend to ignore her, he was just too engrossed in his conversation with Blaine.

When first period was dismissed, he went to his locker and swapped out his binders for the next few classes. He was slightly surprised to find Mercedes had followed him.

"Okay, what was that back there?" She said a little harshly. "You could not move your eyes away from that phone for a second. What was so important? Is everything okay?"

Kurt couldn't help but smile at his best friend. Her worry and care for him was touching beyond belief. "Everything is fine 'Cedes. I was just texting Blaine."

She stared at him in disbelief for a moment before realization seemed to sink in. "You have his number now?"

Kurt nodded excitedly. "Yeah, he gave it to me this morning. Oh, and Guess what! We are going to go get coffee at a café together after school."

"He asked you out?" Mercedes said with shock written on her face.

Kurt hesitated for a moment as he tried to decide whether it was actually a date or not. "I'm not one hundred percent sure it's a date, but he definitely wants to at least hang out with me outside of school. I mean, that's something right?"

Mercedes saw the hope and excitement shining in Kurt's bright blue eyes and couldn't help but feel happy. She truly believed that he deserved happiness. Right now, that seemed to be in the form of Blaine. "I hope you guys have a lot of fun together. Don't forget to text me later tonight and tell me how it went. Okay?"

Kurt smiled and nodded as he glanced down the hallway in the direction of Blaine's locker. His smile faded drastically when he saw that he wasn't at his locker alone.

Karoffsky stood in front of Blaine, trapping him against his locker. They appeared to be in the middle of a heated conversation. Kurt wasn't sure what it was about, but it was clear that it was not good.

Without another word, Kurt left Mercedes behind as he marched down the hallway towards them. When he reached them, both Blaine and David looked up at him in surprise.

"I don't know what you two are talking about, but you need to walk away David."

Karoffsky snickered slightly as he fully turned to look at Kurt. "Oh yeah? Why's that?"

Kurt smiled a little as he looked to the left and the right around him. "Because if you don't, I promise that you wont like what happens."


Blaine watched on in complete shock as boys and girls started to stand behind Kurt. When he looked more closely, he realized that it was all of the glee club members. All of the football players stood with their varsity jackets on in a prepared stance to fight. The girls all looked angry, especially the ones in the cheerleader uniforms. As a group, they looked truly horrifying.

Karoffsky immediately lost all of his drive and started to back away with pure anger written on his face. When he was gone the glee kids started to walk away, patting Blaine and Kurt on the shoulder as they left.

When it was finally just Kurt and Blaine alone in the hallway, Kurt walked up and smiled softly at Blaine. "Are you okay?"

Blaine found that he couldn't look away from the angel's beautiful eyes. They were so sincere that he couldn't help but smiled.

"I am now."


I finally updated! Enjoy!! Please vote and leave a comment! I LIVE for your feedback!

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