Chapter 11

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Blaine found himself heading towards the choir room after school. He was excited and nervous all at once. For a moment, he tried to remember what had made him want to join Glee Club in the first place. While he did love to sing, he thought back to when he was at Dalton. He had been the lead singer of the Warblers, and he had hated it. He had been appointed to sing lead on every song, to the point where some people never even got a chance to sing sometimes.

He wasn't going to let that happen in the New Directions.

"Oh, there you are Blaine!" The short brunette exclaimed as he rounded the corner of a hallway. To Blaine, it appeared as if Rachel had been waiting for him. "I was wondering if we could further talk about singing together. I understand if you would like to sing your first duet in the club with Kurt, but I would just like you to know how truly wonderful our voices would sound together. If you would like, I could give you a list of songs for you to peruse and perhaps a CD of me singing so you can get an idea of what we would sound like together. Personally, I think we would do best with a Jazz song, but perhaps a..."

"Rachel." Blaine cut her off before she could get any further. "I would love to sing a song with you, but could we at least wait a week or two before we talk further on this. I mean, I haven't even been to a meeting as an official member yet."

She smiled warmly. "Of course Blaine. You're right. we have all the time in the world." With that, she began to walk down the hallway away from Blaine. "See you at Glee Club!"

Blaine waved slightly before starting to follow her down the hallway. Further down, he saw Kurt at his locker. A smile formed on Blaine's face as he sped up slightly. His smile instantly faded when he saw a red varsity jacket heading his way.

"Congrats on getting in to the queer club, Looser!" Karoffsky shouted as he threw what was in his hand at Blaine's face.

A wave of purple slushy slammed into him.

He heard laughter echo through the hallway from the bully as he passed him. All Blaine could do was squeeze his eyes shut due to the sudden burst pain. 

He felt someone grab his hand, making Blaine instinctly pull away. He was still unable to open his eyes.

"Blaine?" Kurt said softly as he tried to grab his hand again. Blaine let him this time, and together, they slowly started to walk through the hallway.


Kurt felt horrible. Blaine hadn't even made it to his first meeting, and he had already gotten slushied.  He led Blaine to the nearest bathroom. On the way, he passed a frozen Rachel. Her jaw remained wide open as if she couldn't imagine what had just happened to actually happen to someone. When she didn't move forward to help, Kurt walked right past her without another glance. She didn't deserve to sing with Blaine.

When they finally made it to the bathroom, Kurt led Blaine up to the sink and began to run some water. He noticed that Blaine still hadn't opened his eyes. The slush continued to run down his face in an unending purple water fall. Kurt felt extreme sympathy for the boy in front of him.

"I'm really sorry this happened to you." He said softly in the empty bathroom. Silence followed, the only sound being the trickle of water in the sink. Kurt didn't expect an answer as he started to wipe away and clean the boy's face of the sticky syrup.

"It's not your fault." Blaine whispered back, slightly startling Kurt.

"What do you mean?" Kurt said quietly again.

"It was not your fault." Blaine said, a little louder this time.

Kurt let out a soft chuckle. "Yeah, it kind of was. I'm the one that dragged you into the Glee Club drama." Kurt thought back on what he had just said and laughed again. "Quite literally actually."

Blaine smiled too. he slowly began to open his eyes once Kurt had cleared them of most of the syrup, only to close them again due to the brightness of the room. Kurt laughed again.

"I really am sorry." Kurt couldn't help but say again. Blaine began to shake his head this time.

"This isn't your fault." He repeated himself for a third time. When it sounded like Kurt was about to say something again, he cut him off and opened his eyes. He looked up at Kurt and put as much force behind his words as possible. "I do not blame you, or anyone in the glee club for this. Do not put the blame on anyone."

Kurt was quiet for a few moments before looking to meet Blaine's eyes. "Can I blame Karoffsky?"

This time Blaine allowed himself to laugh loudly. "Yes. You can blame Karoffsky."

Kurt began to laugh too, and together, they laughed and laughed at each other and the situation. It was Kurt who stopped first, and it was to sadly exclaim, "Oh Blaine, I think your clothes are ruined!"

Blaine chuckled again. "It's ok. they're just clothes." He stopped when he saw the extreme expression on the other boy's face, and tried to back peddle. "I mean, now I have an excuse to go shopping."

"Nice save Mister." Kurt said slyly. He glanced up at the clock before looking back at Blaine. "Well it looks like you officially skipped your first glee club meeting." At Blaine's sad frown, Kurt smiled again. "That's ok. This is always an excusable reason." He stepped back to see how Blaine looked. "I think that's as good as you're going to get for now."

Blaine glanced at the mirror and grimaced at his reflection. "Thank you for helping me Kurt."

"Of course Blaine." Kurt smiled warmly in return. Together they left the bathroom and headed towards the parking lot.

"I'll see you tomorrow?" This time, it was Kurt who had asked timidly.

Blaine didn't hesitate in answering. "Of Course." With that, they waved good bye and went to their cars.


When Blaine got home, his mother was in the kitchen cooking something up for dinner.  It was the slam of the front door behind him that got her attention.

"Hey honey! How was school!" She said as she stirred the pot on the stove. She didn't really look over at her son until she remembered why her son was home so late. "Oh, how was Glee Club!" She exclaimed as she turned to see her son's reaction as he told her.

Her smile disappeared when she saw the purple stains all over his shirt and face.

"Hi mom." Was all Blaine could come up with.


Guys, you are AMAZING! It was your encouragement that made me really want to write another chapter, and in the process of writing this one, I've come up with many more ideas and situations that I want to see happen. There will be many more chapters to come!


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