Chapter 12

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"So are you going to tell me what happened?" Blaine's mother asked as she began to throw her son's now purple clothing into the washing machine.

"I was officially welcomed into the New Directions Mom." Blaine said bitterly. When he saw his mother's confused look, he further explained. "The football players have been throwing slushies at the Glee club members since the club was created. It's a kind of Tradition at McKinley."

"That's messed up." She said as she started the machine. Without another word, they left the laundry room together and headed back into the kitchen.

"How was your day?" Blaine asked as he filled some cups with water and set then them on the kitchen table. Mrs. Anderson had returned to the pot of soup on the stove.

"It was fine. Same as always." She said as she turned off the stove. She poured two bowls of soup and brought them to the table. Together, they sat and drank their soup in silence.

The house had been silent for years, it being just Blaine and his mom. Things had changed drastically when his father decided to leave. Blaine hated thinking back on those dark memories.

"So are you going to stay in Glee club?" She asked, breaking the silence, much to Blaine's surprise.

He didn't hesitate in answering. "Of course. I'm not going to let some bullies run my life. I've made some friends in that club and I want to stay with it."

Mrs. Anderson's eyes widened at the word 'friends'. "Oh really? What are they like?" She was generally interested in her son's new friends. She knew he hadn't made any yet at his new school, and she was very happy to hear he still saw his old ones regularly. Still, it bothered her sometimes when she thought about her son being alone.

Blaine was caught off guard. When he had said that, he had meant more generally than specifically. "Well, there's this guy named Kurt. He was the one that got me to audition for the New Directions actually. He's awesome! Then there's his best friend Mercedes. She's been really nice to me. Well, so far everyone in the club has been pretty nice."

Mrs. Anderson smiled widely as Blaine talked about his friends. Overjoyed, she collected the empty bowls and took them to the sink. "I'm so happy for you sweetie."

Blaine smiled too. "I'm going to go do homework until I fall asleep. Good night mom."

"Good night Blaine." She said, a grin still plastered to her face.

Blaine left the kitchen and headed up to his bedroom.


"I'm serious Mercedes. It all happened in slow motion, and the next thing I knew, Blaine was covered head to toe in purple slush." Kurt said. he was on the phone with Mercedes while also trying to wrap up a chemistry worksheet. Kurt wasn't very good with multi-tasking.

"Awe! I feel so badly." She said back.

"Yeah, so do I. You should have seen his face when he realized he wasn't going to make it to the choir room for his first meeting. God, he looked heart broken." Kurt decided chemistry wasn't that important.

"I hate Karoffsky! Who does he think he is?" She somewhat shouted into the phone. Kurt winced.

"Easy! I like my ears." He shouted back. He was met with a soft chuckle.

"Sorry Boo. Anyway, we should stand up to him. Maybe it'll make him stop."

Kurt wasn't optimistic, but he figured it wouldn't hurt. "Fine, let me check with Blaine about it tomorrow though."

"Why don't you just text him now, that way I can get the guys on board tonight." She said as Kurt was putting away his homework.

Kurt winced again. "Because I don't have his number."

Mercedes was quiet for a moment. "Why not?"

"Umm, because I haven't asked him for it." Kurt felt weird, why did she assume he had Blaine's number. "Why would you think I had it?" He voiced his thoughts aloud.

"I don't know, out of everyone I figured you would. Just never mind then, ask him tomorrow. I'm still going to tell the guys about it so they at least know what's going on."

"Okay I guess." Kurt said a little defeated. He didn't know what else to do.

The two friends continued to talk for a few more minutes until Kurt glanced at his clock. He hated going to bed too late because that meant he would have a harder time getting up in the morning.

After hanging up on Mercedes, Kurt changed into some pajamas and crawled into bed. He closed his eyes, a constant stream of his new friend playing behind his lids.


Thanks for reading!! More to come as soon as possible!

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