Here the Shadows Lie 7-8

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I raised an eyebrow, and looked around finding Damian with both of them in his hand.

He gave me a nasty smile, and threw them out the window.

"Hey what the hell! Do you know how long it took me to get those!" I screamed drastically, and plus I was so hungry. I didn't eat anything since....Saturday? Yeah it was Saturday.

Damian kept his crystal eyes focused on the road, as he clenched the steering wheel. I crossed my arms against my chest, I really wanted that bagel!

" Why can't you just leave me alone? Do you need to hover over me twenty four seven?" I spat angrily at him, hoping he would respond.

He rolled his eyes," Do you honestly think I enjoy constantly getting you out of trouble, and hurting myself to save you? It's my job Alexa, I have to do it! And what you just did over at that bakery is what you're not supposed to do. It was extremely stupid."

I hit my head against the car seat, and gazed out the window. I felt like crying, but I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction that he wanted. I just wanted to get out of the car, and transport far away from him, somewhere where he couldn't stalk me, or do whatever he does.

As he drove farther the silence became greater, until I had to ask him where we were going, because I was already an hour late for school.

" Where are we going Damian? I'm missing school."

Damian chuckled," You are seriously worried about getting to school or not? Give me a break."

I sighed, he was right, I really could careless if I was at school or not.

Then he spoke up again," I think we need a quiet place to re-think your priorities, you haven't been making the greatest choices, and you can use this as an excuse to skip school.

Ok, now I was pissed. Why was he the one telling to me to rethink my priorities, who was he my mother?! I needed to make up another excuse and fast.

" The school is going to call my house, and tell Lori that I'm not there," I expressed lamely, hoping he would turn around already.

He shook his head, and laughed," Like skipping school is really going to make a difference. You stole the keys to your car, and stole bagels from a bakery; skipping school is not going to make much of a difference to your punishment. The worst they can do is put you in JUV, but you can easily transport out of there."

I put my head in my hands, why did he have to be so right? I gave up, there was no way that he would turn back now. I felt so hopeless, like my life meant nothing anymore. Like I could do anything with one damn boundary, and his name was Damian.

"I'm sorry...I didn't mean it to sound like that," Damian finally said unconvincingly.

I rolled my eyes," No, you're not sorry. You said what you needed to, so don't even try to take it back."

Damian pressed his head back in his seat," Listen Alexa, it's my job to protect you, and to make sure you don't get into too much trouble with those powers of yours." He weakly smiled, but I didn't return the favor.

We both stopped talking for awhile, when the light snow turned into a severe blizzard. Damian drove for a little while longer, until it was impossible to see through the windshield. He finally pulled over, and I couldn't be more ticked if I tried.

He unbuckled himself and gazed towards me, I unbuckled myself, and hid my face from his.

" Isn't there anything you want to talk about? We might be stuck here for awhile, and you can't ignore me forever," Damian muttered.

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