Chapter Twelve - Closure

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The boys and I were standing off alone patiently waiting for the funeral to begin. When we heard the word that it was going to start, the boys took a seat with their families, and I sat with Niall and his mum. The speaker of the ceremony started to talk and I listened intently, trying my best not to cry. Niall held my hand tightly while his mother wrapped an arm around me. I looked down into my lap, waiting to be called up to say my speech. I didn’t want to get up. I honestly couldn’t. If I tried to talk up there I’d break out in tears, and I didn’t want to expose myself as vulnerable to everyone.

Soon enough my name was called and Niall patted my lap and gave me a reassuring look, “You got this.”

“Come up with me?” I pleaded as the tears surfaced my eyes already. Niall gave me one firm nod and he walked with me up the microphone. Once up there the ceremony speaker stepped back on the stage and cleared room for Niall and myself. I faced the crowd and grabbed the microphone with both hands, not really sure on how to hold a microphone. It was abstract to me.

“He-H-Hello, I’m Zayn Malik.” I managed to speak, “I really would like to thank each and everyone of you for attending… The f-fu-fun-funeral of m-mu-my family. There’s not much I can say without breaking down, and I know my parents wouldn’t want to see me cry. Th-They’d wa-want me t-to be strong and keep myself together. They’d want me to tell you all they loved you with all their heart. My sisters would want me to tell their friends that they loved them too. I know that both my parents and sisters would want me to tell everyone that they’re sorry they didn’t get to say goodbye…” I took a break to wipe away the tears dancing down my cheeks,

“All in all, they were wonderful people who were robbed of their lives. They weren’t finished with them but it was out of their control. There are many things I wasn’t able to tell them, but I know they’re all up in heaven looking over for me. I know they’re watching out for me and are proud of me now. They’re proud of all of you. They loved us all and I hate saying goodbye, but I have too. So goodbye, and thank you for the closure.”

I swallowed heavily and continued wiping away the never-ending tears with my trembling hands. Niall engulfed me with a tight hug as he sobbed into my shoulder whispering inaudible nothing’s. We twirled around so his back was to the crowd and I was over looking them. Through my blurry vision I looked out to the mass of people and they were all blowing their noses or wiping away tears. I blinked back my own tears and cleared my vision. I squinted so I could see the back row and there I saw Mr. Styles, looking at me with disgust and hatred. I narrowed my eyes in confusion and then he just shook his head and went over to Niall’s mum. What was that about?

[Niall’s POV]

“I’m proud of Zayn. He was a bit shaky at first, but once he started speaking he got ahold of himself,” I smiled up at Harry as I cuddled into his lower abdomen. We were at his house ‘studying’ but instead I was lying down on his couch, my face resting against his stomach, my eyes watching his perfect face, “Aren’t you proud, Harry? That would’ve been hard for anybody.”

“Yep.” Harry said, not moving his eyes from the television, “Very proud.” The tone in Harry’s voice seemed cold and uncaring. I bit my lip, not knowing what was wrong or what to do. I shifted my body to face the television, joining in on what was on. After about tow minutes I was bored of it and turned back into Harry’s fit, muscular stomach.

“I’ve been thinking about what you’ve asked me, and I think I know why you’re mad at me.” I mumbled innocently, trying to get Harry’s attention. He flicked the screen of the television off and looked down at me,

“Wait. Mad at you?”

“Yes,” I admitted boldly, “You’ve been so cold and emotionless since the ending of the funeral.”

“Love, I’m not mad at you, never.”

“Then what’s wrong?”


“You’re lying, Harry.”

Harry let out a small sigh and lifted the upper half of my body and repositioned me so I was sitting on his lap, looking right at him. He took hold of my hands and looked down, his curls blocking his face, “I’m just jealous of Zayn. I’ve never been jealous before and I just don’t know how to handle it.”

“Jealous? Of Zayn? Why?”

“Because he gets to live with you. He gets to hold you in public. He gets to do everything with you in public,” Harry sighed, “And I can’t.”

“Harry…” I said, lifting his face to see his beautiful eyes, “You’ve nothing to worry about.”

“I don’t?”

“Of course not. Because Zayn isn’t my boyfriend. You are.” I smiled, watching the way his face lit up at my words. He smiled that smile I loved and kissed my lips gently.

“But be honest with me, okay?”


“If you ever feel like you may have feelings for Zayn, at any time, just let me know.”

“Harry. Stop worrying over nothing.”

“I just can’t lose you, Niall. I just can’t.”

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Finally together! Chapter twelve! Comment okay?:) I want to know what you think! Things are about to take off... I feel it coming ;)

This one is dedicated to @OceanicAvenues . She is a wonderful person who created the NEW COVER of this story :). She works wonders. Hit her up if you need a cover. For my next two future works the covers were made by her and they're perfect. Thank you, love! I appreciate it!


The Unexpected [NARRY]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن