Chapter 27

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Ok so this chapter is not as long as usally but i was thinking the next chapter can be about the training or the LOVEEE Lol between misty and leo *wiggles eyebrows* lol you have a silly co author lol enjoy i already spell checked and all the good stuff



I felt movements on the other side of the bed, my love was trying to sneak out of bed with out waking me I smiled, my arm shot out encircling her waist drawing her back to me she gave a squeak of surprise, "Where do you think you're going?" I asked my voice thick with sleep. She sighed, "I was going to go make breakfast," her voice was soft and gentle and I could listen to her speak all day. I opened my eyes and took in her beauty, she was perfect (no idea what she looks like so I'm using my imagination here :)) her hair was as black as night, her eyes were the most enchanting blue, her skin seemed to radiate with an inner light, her lips were full and pink, she had high cheek bones that complimented her eyes she had just the right curves on her body, but of course she would considering she was a goddess, and my wife.

"Can't we just stay in bed today?" I asked my eyes darkening

She laughed, "As much as I want to my love I can't I have to go speak with father about some things."

I tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear.

"What do you need to discuss?" I asked

She looked down then met my gaze something flashed through her eyes, "it's nothing important."

"Hmm." Was my only reply I knew something was up but I let it slide. After we got up and got dressed my beloved make breakfast and we ate in a blissful silence. After we finished she gave me a long lingering kiss and left I sighed why did I have such a sinking feeling that was the last time I would feel her lips for a very very long time.

~~~~~~'Six hours later ~~~~~

something was wrong with my beautiful wife and i felt it, i felt it in my gut. "Somethings wrong" I ran out of the house to go find her father. When I found him i didn't see Aurora anywhere and that made my heart drop "Sir!" i yell out towards Aurora's father "What is it Leo?" he asked noticing the panicked look on my face "Where's Aurora?!" Aurora's father looks at me confused clearly not understanding whats going on.

"Well she left my office a few hours ago i assumed she'd be with you." My eyes almost bulge out of my head. "That's what i was afraid you'd say." i say just above a whisper. "Somethings not right this isn't like her." i say more to myself then to him. "Leo calm down what are you talking about?"

i shake my head a take off. if that son of a demon dare touch my precious Aurora all war will break out. "AURORA!" I yell out her name praying ill get a response. "AURORA!" Come on baby where are you "AURO-" i stop to hear a ear piercing scream and drop to my knees in pain.

i felt a stabbing pain in my chest and that when i knew where the scream came from. "AURORA!" I stand up and grab my chest, it feels like its on fire. Running towards the scream. when i break threw the woods into a clearing i see Aurora's body laying on the floor blood surrounding her as she struggled to breath.

"Aurora." i run towards her when i noticed the fallen angel with a dagger in his hand covered in blood. i place a kiss on her forehead and whisper "Aurora baby.. please... don't go" i say starting to cry. "Please.." my tears fall on her when she opens her eyes a little "Leo..?" i look up at her relived shes still alive.. but not for long i know. "Yea princess ...its me" i say giving her a sad smile still crying. "I love you Leo." i nod my head already knowing she loves me

"I love you too" i begin to cry more "I'm sorry i shouldn't have left you alone I'm sorry." Aurora looks at me with a smile "Its not your fault. no one knew this was going to happen." My only response are my tears. "But I'm sorry that i cant fight much longer Leo i love you but you'll see me again." i shake my head not wanting her to go when her eyes close and her body goes limp.

"A-Aurora" i place a kiss on her forehead and turn my attention to the fallen angel. "I didn't mean to kill her it was an accident. i didn't know it was going to hurt her." i yell at him "You didn't know you where going to hurt her?! You killed her you killed my wife!" when i lunged at him he disappeared. and his dagger fell to the floor and with that i layed next to Aurora's now dead body and take my life laying along side the one i love, while i welcomed the darkness"

~~(Flashback End)~~

Leo's P.O.V

Every time i think about that day my heart breaks. When I took my life i thought I'd be with her but instead god gave me the only option i had to become her guardian angel and protect her from harms way. my thoughts where interrupted by Misty when she gave me a warm hug 'i may have found my mate but i will always love you too you both hold a special place in my heart.' i hear her in my thoughts and hold back the tears and smile down at her when she walks back to her mates arms. Then i look at her and see a worried expression on her face. Great what now. i look over to Blake to see there both looking giving each other the same look. 'Blake whats going on?' i link her 'Kyle and Elierva are planning for the war and we still need to contact the other angels for help and train Misty and Geo.' Ughhhhhhhhh i never do get a break 'Alright well should we tell the love birds?' i look at Misty and Geo and nod to Blake with approval. Here goes nothing.


So what did you think !?

Team Leo or team geo?

Hey it's my 21st so I decided to upload today and make it special !

Thanks to my conauthors help.

Follow me in my instagram @itsdiydolls it would be a great birthday present lol

Team geo or team Leo ?

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