chapter 11- just jump

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Misty's pov

My 8th grade paper suddenly came to mind, we had to write about a mythical creature. And guess who I had chosen? No prize for the winner. Wolves knew about them, but it was very rare to actually see one. A fallen angel is a rebellious, wicked angel that has been cast out of heaven. So I couldn't help but think that wasn't the only reason he was kicked out. There had to be more. They were known as the "sons of god" but most stories told tales that these Angels were known to have sex with woman and then leave them to deal with the aftermath of a demonic child. Is that all he wanted from me or did he want more?

"Misty?" I heard a voice say, snapping me out of my thoughts. Kyle was mere inches away from my face staring intently. I quickly sat back into the couch .

"Well that's cool Kyle, I'm glad you trust me enough to tell me.... My aunt will be home soon though, so you should get going." I said abruptly. It kind of scared me knowing what kind of power he had. My wolf stayed quite, she hadn't talk to me in a while . I have heard stories about when were people reject their mates, and along with their mates their wolf leaves too. It scared me, but he had hurt me so she couldn't have expected me to be okay with what he did.

"Are you sure you will be okay alone?" He asked sounding concerned as he rested his arms on both sides of my head leaning in close. I could smell his sweet smell, it reminded me so much of something yet I just couldn't pinpoint what.

"Yeah I'll be fine... Kyle can I ask you something?" I asked meekly.

"Of course you can gorgeous, I was starting to get a bit worried that you didn't have any." He said laughing slightly yet he didn't move his position. I laid my head back on the couch to try and gain more personal space and looked him in the eyes.

"Why do you smell so familiar ? Have we met before?" I asked, confusing myself. I didn't even know that was what I was going to say that

"No... We haven't..." There was something in his eyes that told me otherwise but it was quickly replaced by a cocky smirk. "Probably in some other life it could be possible I mean I am pretty old." His laugh was so cute.

"Okay Kyle thanks for walking me home I'll see you tomorrow." I said and he gave me a kiss on the forehead and quickly walked out. I guess he had plans this evening.

As soon as he left I felt empty inside. I forgot how much it sucked being alone, it gave me time to think and all I thought about were bad things.

'Mate' my wolf spoke to me which spooked me.

'I dont want to see him don't you understand?' I demanded, she whined in protest for a few seconds and than I couldnt here her anymore. I guess I'll go for a walk. I made my way up to the cliff were I had first met Kyle it made me miss his pressence even more. I slowly peeked over the edge and the dark water seemed to consume me. Sitting down as carefully as I could my legs dangled over the edge.

"Just jump. It will be fun" I heard a little girl giggle behind me. I quickly turned she seemed to be about 6 years old she looked so angelic but her blood red dress gave me a bad vibe.

" umm I'd rather not... It looks a bit cold. Are you lost?" I asked she gigled one more time and walked towards me.

"No silly you're lost, I know exactly who I am and where I'm heading. You on the other hand don't." She said as she postioned her self besides me her little legs dangeld over the edge.

"How would you know that?"

" mmm I don't , so why don't you just jump? its not like your doing any good here?" A little smile appeared on her face.

" Why do you want me to jump?" I asked curiously.

"Trust me, it will make your life a lot better if you don't have to go through all the hardship that you have been thrrough, just think about it. You think losing your mom was hard, you have no idea how hard things are going to be for you that lie ahead." how did she know all this? "He was there yet he did nothing to stop it what a shame." Wait... what...who was there?

"Who are you and how do you now all this." I stood up quickly before I knew it she was at my side.

"Just jump!" I felt a nudge on my shoulder and before I knew it I was plumiting towards the ocean.

Geos pov

It all happened so quickly, I saw her approach the cliff and then she seemed to be talking to someone, but there is no one in sight. She quickly stands and the next thing I know shes of off the cliff and heading towards the water. I ran as fast as I possibly could into the water and swim in her direction as quickly as I could. When I approach her shes perfectly fine just for some reason stunned and deep in thought.

"Misty... baby?" I grab her by the waist and for once she doesn't sturggle against my touch but there is no emotion in her face. "Come on lets take you home, its not the time to be cliff diving" I make my way towards the shore and lay her down, "Baby talk to me please, what happened?" I plead, but I think they were just falling on deaf ears.

mistys pov

His voice, his voice snaps me out of my paralization as I feel the warmth of his arms souround my body. Paralayzed why would I be paralyzed. It all happened so quick im sure it was all in my head am I finally going crazy?


What just happened ? I just can't get over geo !!! Team geo or team Kyle ??

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