Chapter 12- thoughts

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Misty's pov

When I finally snapped back to reality, I was in my bed under the covers . Warmth circled my body and I felt safer than I had felt in a long time. It was hard to move around and I quickly relised that it was due to Geo holding me tightghtly aroung my waist, his chin was nuzzled in my neck, blowing warm air on my exposed skin. This moment was perfect and I didn't want to interupt it. I sighed in happiness, but then the realization of me being in a size too big shirt and a room, which was not mine, quickly snapped me out of it.

"Geo wake up." I snapped as I managed to turn myself around but he held me tighter. "Wake up!" I hissed again, not struggling anymore since my struggles were pointless .

"Misty you're awake?" He asked, his voice sounded so sexy even though he had just woke up. He slowly opened his eyes and a smile appeared on his face. Fighting every urge to kiss him I pulled away from his arms, the warmth instantly leaving me and I fell with a thud to the floor. So graceful, I mentally slapped myself for that. "Are you okay ?" He asked, humour lacing his voice however he quickly jumped to his feet and was already pulling me up by the waist.

"Yes I'm perfectly fine." I muttered, looking down at my bare legs. "Geo... why am I wearing your shirt?" I asked, completely confused. The last I remembered I was going for a walk.

"You jumped off of a cliff misty, I tried taking you home but all the doors were locked so... I brought you here, to my home." He explained, looking down at me with love.

"I'm assuming you took my clothes of too?" I asked, a smirk appeared on his face which quickly made me blush. " Ughh Geo !!" I yelled, slapping his chest, his bare chest might I add.

"I didn't see anything Misty I closed my eyes " He said, catching my hand and placing it on his chest, right above his heart. He seemed honest but by the look in his eyes, I could tell he was lying.

"You expect me to believe that?" I asked, ripping my hand from his and I clanced around his room searching for my clothes. I spotted my clothes set on a chair with my bra on top. "My bra... You took of my bra!" I yelled at him!

"I swear I didn't see your boobs, I did it after my shirt was on you, I didn't want you getting sick princess." He said, holding my chin in his hand so he could lean in for a kiss.

"Geo stop, look thank you for pulling me out of the water I appriciate it." I said, up until now, I still thought that it was a dream, a twisted one at that, and that I had imagined the little girl before fainting.

"Just come lay down for a minute please." He begged, his puppy face convinced me I awkwardly laid down next to him, trying not to touch him but before I knew it he had pulled me on top of him my legs statradling his waist. I slowly leaned it to kiss him but before I could we were inturupted by his phone. I couldn't help but look over at the it and curse out whoever decided to ruin our moment. Then I saw the caller ID.


Babe I miss you, see you tonight ? (;

The text read, I quickly got up from the bed and collected my clothes.

"I should get going " I said quickly as Imade my way out of his room before he could say anything else to try and convince me that nothing was still going on between them even though there obviously was.

When I got home my aunt was in the kitchen so I quickly made my way upstairs to change into some clothes that weren't Geo's t-shirt. Dinner was good, I hadn't seen her in a while due to her busy schedule. She was a doctor at the local surgery and she worked long hours. I ate quickly before excusing myself and dissapearing off to bed, I didn't realise how tiring doing nothing was. However sleep evaded me.

Don't you just hate it? Right before you're going to sleep every though possible comes to mind. I had been laying in the dark for the past hour and it was now 3 am and the need for sleep was there, but it was no where in sight. I ended up not sleeping at all and my alarm went off four hours later. I wasn't in the mood for anything. I put my hair up in a messy bun with some skinny jeans and an off the shoulder tank top before quickly heading for school .

Kyles pov

She looked amazing I thought as I watched her hurry through her routine as she realised she was probably going to be late for school. I had watched her twist and turn all night, never getting any sleep it was a shame really, she looked so peaceful when she was alseep, not being bothered by Geo's problems and being selfish with her own desires. Oh how I wish I could sleep beside her.

Soon my love... we will be together very soon.


Ahhh sorry it took so long dolls!

So what do you think !?

Are you still on the same team ?

Are you happy?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora