Chapter 7 -stacy

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I couldn't help but stare at her as she strutted towards us with a look of hatred towards me. A devilish smile appeared on her red lips as soon as she recognised me. Her sparkling black heels rang in my ears her bright red skirt seem to go up everytime she took a step. Impressed I was not, she turned out to be exactly how I had imagined. Her blond hair looked damaged from all the bleaching and straightening, ending just a little under her shoulders. I wouldn't be surprised if she had gotten her boobs done, because everything about her was fake... right down to her personality. Even though I hated her I had to admit she did have something striking about her, I mean she was the "prettiest" girl in the school and if it wasn't for her cake face and slutty clothes she might actually have some natural beauty.

"Oh my God! Is that ugly, little Misty I see!" She yelled coming closer to us. Geo's shoulders seemed to tense up when he heard that, but he didn't speak a word. She reached Geos side and gave him a kiss on the cheek leaving a red stain on him in the form of her, no doubt, expensive lipstick . It angered me as it angered my wolf to see him let her do this. "You should know better than to come to this town, my town. Did I not teach you your lesson?" she stepped closer to me . Shoving her finger on my chest everytime she spoke. What no family left so you come and bug us with..?" She started but a growl erupted from Geo and Stacy quickly backed up .

"Stacy enough she is part of our pack and I won't have you disrespecting her like that." He spoke with authority and anger.

"Well, this has been fun... but I think we will be on our way." Kyle said grabbing my hand and pulling me along behind him, the cold sensation calming me down and we started to walk in the direction of my house.

"Yeah see you around Geo " I said glancing over my shoulder seeing Geo take quick steps towards us.

"Don't you dare hold her hand ever again." Geo growls at Kyle.

"Umm babe? What's your problem? If that freak wants to hold an even bigger freaks hand then we should let them. Less problems for us, we're too perfect to be around them anyway." Stacy says heading in our direction. Is this the moment that he finally announces everything or will he keep hiding it? Hiding the fact that we are mates, that whether Stacy likes it or not, Geo and I are meant to be together?

Than it happened out of no where I felt lips on mine . It happened so quickly I couldn't exactly tell who was kissing me. I was stunned as I pushed myself away and looked at him.


Cliff hanger !!

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Who do you want to be kissing misty ?? Should it be geo or Kyle?

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