chapter 4- Pain

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What a long boring day. I spent my day doing absolutely nothing. He was all I could think of , I sat there staring out the kitchen window when I caught sight of her .

Stacy oh how I hated Stacy. Dumb and blond, it sounds so cliche, but that's just what Stacy is, a real life walking talking hip swaying barbie cliche. Most would call her dumb just because she isn't the brightest crayon in the box. Yet any guy in the school is ready and willing to do her bidding. Is she smart, no way, but street smarts count for a lot in life, and Stacy has street smarts in spades.

Than he appeared he grabbed her by the waist and kissed her. It was if my heart had just shattered to a million peaces and it was all over a guy I didn't even know. My wolf cried out in agony of seeing her mate with the girl/wolf we hated most. It had to be better to feel nothing than to feel this. This awful pain, deep inside my chest. No matter how much she tried to tell herself that what she was feeling she shouldn't be it was still there. It felt like a weight rested on her chest, refusing to accept precious oxygen.

I ran out the back door into the woods urging my legs to go faster I weaved through the trees with waht memory I had. I had roamed these woods from a very little age but the memories had faded. I ran and ran I could hear a stream of water near by as I finally broke free from the woods into a filed.

There eyes darted in my direction before me stood 3 rogue wolfs with the look of need and desire in there eyes.. they were ready to attack.

The one that stood in the middle was big and built. His skin was tan and covered in dirt , he had long black hair up to his waist. His gray eyes looked at me , his lips became a slight smile. He held himself light on his feet, muscles tense, as if ready to attack. He looked like a predator. I glared at him, my eyes never leaving his.

The man to his right was my height and heavily muscled. He had short black hair the opposite of his light blue eyes. His skin was darker then the other man. His face was set into a scowl, clearly annoyed by my presence.

The man on the left was short. His hair was buzzed cut and red. His face was calm. His brown eyes looked at me with no care. Like his companions he had tan skin. Though he seemed nonthreatening and in good nature I new he wasn't by the blood that stained his white shirt.His shoulders were stiff and he was ready to spring. He was ready for a hunt.

I was going to put up the fight of my life I knew I could at least take down one of them. Of course the short one came to mind I wasn't trying to under estimate his power , I had seen plenty of little wolfs do bi damage but he was the one I would attack and kill first. The men shifted tearing there clothes. I crouched close to the ground feeling the grass against my fur ready to attack . Before I even got the chance to attack the rogues took of running into the woods. It wasn't because of me as much as id like to think it was.

I Could feel his alpha power before he even emerged it was Geo and i didn't know what to do or say . ''WHERE ARE THEY!" he screamed at me through our pack link .

''It to late there probably of our ground now'' I turned around to walk away i did not wish to be in his presence.

"Stop go change and return to me at once'' I could here him using his alpha voice and there was no way to defy him.

"Are you completely crazy?" he glared at me as I walked from behind a tree already dressed .

"No my name is mist but people I don't like call me misty, so call me misty" the acid tone in my voice slithered of my tongue . I was mad at him who did he think he was to even protect me after what he had done.

"you could have gotten hurt" I could hear the anger in his voice receding.

"I didn't get hurt though, what's it to you anyways ?"

"You're my mate, I'm here to protect you"

I was shocked by his words how could he call me his mate after I had seen him with Stacy !?

"I saw you with her , the way you kissed her grabbed her & the worst part is that you knew I was watching ..."

Goes pov

I reached over to touch her cheek but she quickly moved away my finger tips barley gracing her soft skin sending sparks all over my body. I had hurt her and those had been my intentions but at this moment I was regretting it . I could see the pain in her golden emerald green eyes they were framed by long dark lashes and they seemed to brighten up the world I could feel her pain. Her long hair was a rich shade of mahogany and gold it flowed on one side of her adorning her tan skin all the way down to her hips. Her full soft pink lips urged me to kiss her She was the picture of perfection.

"Look I'm sorry misty, I was mad by the fact that you were rejecting me" her eyes showed that she was confused.

"I didn't reject you Geo"

had she forgotten telling me she had a boyfriend that was soon to maker her the Luna of his pack?

"Okay maybe i did but that doesn't just give you the right to hurt me like that"

I reached for her arm and pulled her towards me

"You have to understand iv been with Stacy for two years and i cant just hurt her like that."

Silence no words were spoken by her I grabbed her arm and pulled her towards me she avoided my lips and put her head on my shoulder.

" we will be together soon but for now I have to figure out a way to let her down so hard'

she shook her head in agreement i wondered what was going threw her mind at this moment.

" ill do the same " I had almost forgotten about the wolf that had held her and kissed her i held back a growl.

I grabbed her chin and made her look me in the eyes leaning in slowly for an amazing kiss, I wanted to feel her lips on mine .

"No, not today not until you brake up with Stacy I will not be your second option, we can be friends for now" a grin replaced her frown as she slipped for my grasp and ran towards the words taunting me to chase after her and that I would always do no matter what I would chase her heck I would even beg for her .



I'm so amazed at how many reads i have please comment, fan, and vote.

my instagram is @itsdiydolls

still looking for an editor please comment if you are interested (:

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