Chapter 6- over it

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Tears streamed down my face blurring my vision . There wasn't much to stare at except my plain white roof. I had been lying in bed all day after the talk I had with Geo . My tears were not due to him though.. Okay maybe a few. When I didn't keep myself occupied all I did was cry. The scene of my mothers death played over and over again in my head, just like it was happening once again. I missed her so much, I mean... can you imagine being without a mom. I would never hug her again, never hear her voice waking me up on a Saturday morning or all the noise she made in the kitchen afterwards when I didn't get up . Never again could I tell her 'I love you', never again would I see her smile or hear her laugh. My pillow was soaked with tears.


I looked over at my phone expecting to have recieved another text from him. Geo had been texting me non stop since I ran away from him. I was surprised to see that it actually wasn't from him.


Hey moshiee, are you okay?

I haven't heard from you in a while I miss you

Xoxoxo  She had written. I had only been here three days and I was already ignoring my only friend, so I quickly sent a reply to her.


Hey smoshiee Xox

I dropped my phone on my bed as I pressed stend and I stood up. No more laying around being lazy and wallowing in my pain, I'm going for a walk. I always loved the smell of the woods and getting lost in them . There was so much to explore so much to discover. I pushed some branches and appeared on a cliff near the beach the view was breath taking .

"Hey" I heard a voice come from around a huge rock .

"Hey... " I said hesitatantly should I turn back? Before I could make up my mind a tall boy appeared in front of me. If it weren't for my 'mate' I would say he was the most stunning man I have ever laid my eyes on. Standing well above me at what must have been six foot something. Piercing green eyes that made me want to trust him instantly as they seemed to bore into my soul. He had blonde hair that was dishevelled by the bush that made me want to tangle my hands in his golden locks.

"I'm Kyle, what's a lovely lady doing up here in the dark scary woods all by herself?" He asked, his voice it sounded so hypnotizing.

" I'm Mist , and a lovely girl like me well she's just looking for fun. As I see there is no-one around so I will be heading back home now." I said backing away from Kyle slightly causing a smirk to appear on  his face flashing me a set of perfectly straight, dazzling, white teeth.

"Apparently then you wouldn't know fun if it smacked you in the face because it happens to be looking you right in the eyes." He said being rather cocky. It was as if I was under a spell that had my legs glued to the ground, stopping me from running. The wind blew, tousing a bit of my hair and I caught a wiff of his aroma. It was one like I had never smelt before, so sweet yet musky it had a smell of Kyle.

"Oh really? I shall be the judge of that, I guess I could stay for a while then." I said, it was like my mouth had a mouth of it's own. I'm not sure why I decided to stay maybe it was the fact that Geo wouldn't brake up with Stacy any time in the near future and I needed some male attention or the fact that I needed a friend in this hell hole of a town. He smiled and quickly made his way up the rock and helped me up after him. When my hand was clasped in his, I couldn't help but gasp at how cold it felt. He seemed to notice this and grinned sheepisly at me.

"Sorry, I've been out here for a while now. I have really poor circulation so my hands get really cold rather quickly. Let me know if they turn into ice blocks." He joked, still not releasing my hand even though we were now stood on top of the rock. He sat down, pulling me down after him, he sat across from me crossing his long, muscled legs at his ankles. "So are you going to tell me the real reason you were in the woods on your own?" He asked, raising a pierced eyebrow at me.

"It's a long story Kyle." I said, licking my dry lips with my tongue. His hungry eyes followed the action as though it was the most interesting thing in the world. My wolf hummed in satisfaction at being wanted. This in itself was strange, she was supposed to be pining after her mate and her mate only. Kyle was definately different, but what exactly he was I was still unsure. 

"That's alright, for you, I've got all the time in the world." He said leaning back on his elbows and giving me a smoldering look. And thats how I found myself telling him all of my problems about Geo. I think I would have told him my deepest, darkest secret if he'd have asked, especially if he had given me that look.

We made our way back through the forest side by side, he matched his speed my pace since my legs weren't quite as long as his.  Every step we took our fingers touched. I didn't get the sensation I got with Geo nor the want or desire to hold his hand. Its just that every time his fingers touched mine my need to grab his hand grew stronger. I put my hands in my skinny jeans pockets as we made it out of the forest. "So this Stacy chick is she really as dumb as you make her seem?" Kyle asked a smirk appearing in his smile .

"Ughh how I wish I think she just acts dumb for attention 'look at me I'm just a little dumb blind'" I laughed at my way I was trying to mimic her voice and he laughed right along with me.

Geos pov

Her laughter filled my ears and I quickly snapped my head towards her. My body filled with anger as I saw her walking along side another guy. Seeing him make her laugh the only way I was allowed to make her laugh made my blood boil. My sensitive ears hear her heart rate pick up as I make my way towards them.

"Hey babe." I say as I get closer to them, she seems shocked by those words but pleased at the same time even though she quickly covers it with a scowl .

"Hi Geo." She replies, her voice cold and hard, she manages to take a step away from the mysteries guy which in turn makes me less angry.

"Who's this?" I look over at him. I catch a whiff of his smell it's something familiar but at the same time unfamiliar my wolf does not now if it should attack or if he's friendly. Confusion fills us both.

"He's my friend, his name is Kyle, he's just walking me home." She explaines,  she seems to be scared of what I might do . Mates especially alpha mates tend to get very jealous but I can always keep my emotions headed held back.

"Nice to meet you man , so you're the famous Geo that seems to be braking my little Misty's heart?" his friendlyness throws me off, but the fact shes been telling him her life story make it worse.

"Not breaking it just trying to make it better. " I all but growl as I bring her into a hug and give her a peck on the head.

Misty's pov

Oh how good it feels to be in his arms at last, my wolf purrs at me. It makes me forget the whole world as my arms get tighter around his waist and his kiss sends me on a high.

"Baaaabe!!" A loud and annoying baby voice pierces my ears causing me to push myself away from Geo and back to Kyles side as Stacy flounces her way around the corner . Her skirt rising up her legs and her shirt so low it leaves nothing to the imagination... Slut.

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