Chapter 9-lier

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Chapter 9 - LIER

"I missed you, you bitch." Lilly said, pulling me into a hug as I climbed my way into her car being careful not to step on any of her stuff that cluttered the floor of her car.

" I missed you to Lilly, I'm sorry. I wasn't trying to ignore you, I just have so muh on my mind at the moment." I replied as she started driving towards the school. I wasn't nervouse at all, especially having her by my side. "I mean first I find my mate and he wants nothing to do with me, than he wants me and only me. I spent last week just trying to figure him out." I said, ranting as I looked over to Lilly her mouth was wide open and she was staring at me. "Lilly watch the road!" I yelled as she had managed to drift into another lane, causing her to swerve back into our lane before any cars approached.

"O.M.G you found him ! Tell me everything who is he!?" her excitement got me exited .

"It's Geo, he is so perfect Lilly!" I said dreamily.

"he finally broke up with that slut, oh thank god." Lilly said, she hated Stacy and I'm sure that that feeling was mutual. Stacy had every reason to hate her. Lilly was the definition of perfection. Her golden long straight hair reached her hips contrasting with her tan skin, which made her blue eyes, that looked close to purple, stand out even more. She had the perfect body and stood at 5'8. She was basically a better version of Stacy... yet looked nothing like her. I'm starting to sound like I'm in love with her. I laughed at myself as Lilly parked on the far side of the school.

As we approached the entrance everyone stared; guys drooling, girls glaring. "Hey take a fucking picture, it will last longer" Lilly yelled at some girls that were glaring, they quickly turned around as we passed by. Then my heart sank it was as if it had been pulled out and torn into little pieces . Why was I feeling this way you might ask? There infront of me stood Geo with his arms wrapped around Stacy's waist. "That asshole! Come on we're going to confront him!" Lilly growled, pulling on my arm but I didn't budge. My tears on the brink of overflowing.

"Lilly wait, I... I can't." I stuttered, my voice was low and shaky.

"Yes. Yes you can he's your mate misty! He can't just keep on treating you like crap, you don't deserve this." Lilly said, trying even harder now to pull me.

"Just let me pull myself together, I won't let him see he hurt me... again." I whispered and just like that I burst into tears . Earning glances from people standing close by.

"Hey doll, get it together. He's not worth another tear." Lilly's eyes filled with pain as she saw me cry. I wipped my tears lifted my head and went in his direction. When he saw me approaching his eyes widened and he tried stepping away from Stacy but she gripped onto his arms. Lilly linked her arm with mine as we passed by paying no attention to them what so ever. If he wants her over me then fine, I'll just have to find someone else that wants me. I finally exhaled not noticing that I had been holding my breath.

"Hey it's going to be okay" Lilly half smiled at me as she walked me to my first class. "I'll be waiting for you right here after class okay?" she asked me, she obviously didn't want to leave and go to her own class, as she hesitantly let go of my hand and walked to her class.

I was looking down when I entered the room, clumsily trippin over one of the desks. I was sure that I was going fall flat on my face. So I pinched my eyes closed and braced my self for a harsh landing. When no sensation came I opened my eyes to see that I was nearly inches from the floor. I felt a cool sensation around my hips as I was brought up to face no other than Kyle. My heart skipped a beat.

"Hey gorgeous, I know I'm hot but there's no need for you to fall at my feet." He joked. "You can call me your hero from now on." He smirked, aw he was good.

"Can I call you my almost late hero, I nearly slammed head on to the floor." I joked as I looked up at him and saw smile that had appeared on his face. It made me happy. My wolf was hesitant to allow it, but our souls were happy.

"Come on, I saved us some seats in the back." He said, grabbing me by my hand sending a cool sensation all over my body . "But, you can sit on my lap if you'd prefer." He said cheekily winking at me. I wanted to take him up on his offer so bad . Just his touch made the pain and thought of Geo dissappear,

"Maybe some other time." I said while sitting down to the right of him. Of course knowing my luck the person I least wanted to share a class with just walked into the room. I knew Geo was in the room without even having to look over, but I did anyway, and there was Stacy clinging to him like there was no tomorrow .

Kyles pov

I had seen it all happened , her approaching the school the pain in her eyes as she saw her true mate with Stacy. I had warned him that I would always be around and now that he had fucked up and hurt her it was my golden opportunity to show her that I was also meant to be with her. Her eyes were pained as soon as he entered the room I held in a growl and reached for her desk scooting her over as close as possible .

"Are you sure you don't want to sit on my lap?" I winked at her as I placed my hand under her chin."Gorgeous I can make you the happiest girl in the world if you would just ignore your wolf and pay attention to your heart" her eyes flashed with confusion I had a lot of explaining to do to her. I leaned in and gave her a kiss on the forehead, even though I wished I was kissing her lips.

Class went by quickly, I spent most of it looking at Misty, seeing as I already knew everything that was being said I didn't have to pay attention in order to pass this class. Heck I'd even lived through the civil war! Her cheeks flushed with a blush making her look absolutely beautiful as she felt my gaze on her face. The whole time I felt glares coming from Geo, he knew she would be mine and it angered him.

The bell rang and Misty quickly got up pulling me by the arm but I stayed in place .

"Come on let's go." She said, pulling on my arm urgently. She didn't want to confront Geo but the sooner she did it the better for her and for me.

"Mist we need to talk." Geo said from behind her.

"There's nothing to talk about Geo. You lied to me! You've made your choice pretty clear. Why pull me along with your little game!! Just reject me, get it fucking over with." She growled. She was angry, a side of her I have never seen, but it was pretty hot.

"I did brake up with her babe it's just... She's pregnant and it might be mine." Geo explained.

"You have fun with your little imaginary family Geo. We all know she's a whore, why would you belive her? Look you hurt me and I'm not looking for a boyfriend or anything I'm just looking for a friend." She explained, directing the last bit towards the both of us as she walked away.

Geo and I looked at each other, identical looks on our faces. Game on.


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