From the Author

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3 books, done and dusted.

I would never ever imagined I would ever be able to say that.

I remember when I first posted Virus 1, I was so scared. Scared you guys wouldn't like it. Scared I wasn't good enough. Scared to put my feelings and emotions out on the internet for everyone to see. 

But the feedback and response has been so incredible, I thank you all and my supporters every single day. 

This is one of the biggest achievements I will ever have, and it's because of all of you. 

Virus 1, 2 and 3 have all taken me on an emotional rollercoaster that only seems to be going up and I'm thankful.

BUT I do mean it when I say there will not be a fourth. Virus is done, and completed as a trilogy. 

I know that's heartbreaking, to you and me but I can't just keep writing Virus books. Ya'll get bored one day. 

So thank you all, I will never stop having endless love towards all of you and I appreciate you guys joining me on my journey through the 3 books. I couldn't have done it without you. 

Love you all,

Avery Beth Wilson, signing off for the last time on the Virus books.


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