16th August 2042

908 75 4

*Picture is of Avery*


"I'm Avery." She said, taking a step towards us. Avery had bright red hair that sat in curls. She wore a black one piece suit that looked like it was made of some sort of armour. She had a gun strapped to the top of her thigh, and a belt lined with bullets around her waist. I'm not going to lie; she looked badass. Her gaze turned to me, looking me up and down. "I'm guessing you're the leader?" she asked.

"Why would you guess that?" I asked. She smiled slightly, looking at me like I was a pathetic child.

"Beside the fact that everyone is basically hiding behind you; you stand straighter, you have the nicest jacket, your hair is the messiest which is an obvious indicator of stress and you have bags under your eyes which means you haven't slept in ages or you did just have a sleep but it was 10x shorter than you would've wanted." She said. "I'm right, aren't I?"

"So you analyse people?" I asked.

"Well if I'm going to run a community I need to know the motives behind people." She smiled. "So what do you want?"

"We're looking for someone." I said.

"Who?" she asked.

"Harper." I said. "Harper Thorn – Peters."

"I know everyone in Columbus and there's not one Harper." She shook her head.

"Are you sure?" Dylan asked.

"I think I would remember a name like Harper." She said. "If it was a Sarah or Mark for instance, then we would have some trouble."

"Right." I sighed. "We'll be going then."

"No." she stepped forward. "Stay the night; no harm or foul. You all look exhausted."

"We'll be fine."

"I'm not going to kill you." she interrupted me. "Nothing is going to happen. You can all sleep in the same room."

"We do need some rest Luis." Amelia said.

"If we're all in the same room they can't do anything." Max agreed with Amelia; of course. I looked at Avery, pressing my lips together.

"Fine." I said. "One night."

"That's all I offered." Avery smiled.


I sat down on the concrete next to an asleep Amelia. I had offered to take watch because I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep. This whole trip was a waste of time; and now we're holed up in some weird dome thing under some other person's power. I don't like it.

Harper isn't even here. She's probably dead. I know that's horrible, but it's true. Vixen was right; you shouldn't talk about someone who's missing like they're alive. It gets your hopes up and lets you down every single time.

The door to our room opened, but I stayed still. I wanted to know what they were doing. All I have to do is yell and everyone will wake up. They turned their flash light on, shining it on people's faces.

"We're okay." I heard a man's voice. "Pass them to me." he pointed his flash light at the person behind him, and I swear it was Harper.

"Harper?" I said, standing quickly.

"We have an awake one." The man yelled. He turned, pushing the girl out of the room, closing the door behind him so the room went back to pitch black. I ran to the door, banging on it.

Virus 3 - The Final ChapterWhere stories live. Discover now