Chapter 18 -The Deal-

Start from the beginning


"Yeah you heard me, I said DESTROY THE SCHOOL DANCE AND EMBARRASS Gray that's my plan. So are you in?" She asked and smirked. Juvia lockser the most beautiful girl and my wish for us to go to the dance together.

If I maybe agree on this plan...I could somehow steal the dance with Juvia and treasure this one last chance on seeing her eyes looking deeply into mine, and my emotions for her. Then I can move on with Chelia, problem solved.

"Deal." I smiled and we shook hands.

"Of course. Now I will go over the plans and details later. Meet me back here tomorrow."


Juvia's Pov.

Wendy-chan and I arrived back in FairyTail to help out with the other preparations with the School Dance. I was super excited of course because it was nearly all ready and set up. The school dance was in two days, and tomorrow I am going with Erza, Lucy and Levy to shop for some cute dresses.

"JUVIA!!" I heard Gray-sama voice and out of nowhere and he hugged me tightly.


Lucy giggled and rolled her eyes at him with Natsu beside her laughing really loudly.

" know your a 'crazy ice boy' as well, Juvia he ran out of the kitchen and started going crazy when you guys left. Heh, he really does protect you."

"HAHAHA, ELSA AT LEAST YA GOT YOUR GIRLFRIEND, BACK!" Natsu teased and started rolling on the grass bursting out laughing more.

"SHUT UP!" Gray-sama threw orange juices at his face. I blushed at the thought of Gray-sama running around the school like a crazy monster asking directions to Lamia Scale. He is so cute and I am so lucky to be with him.

"I am going to go visit Chelia okay Juvia?"

"Sure thing Wendy and bye!"

"Juvia lets quickly go on a date now. I really want a official date before the dance!" Gray explained and grabbed onto my arm running full speed like Sonic.

We sat down at a adorable cafe and ordered some delicious coffee and honey-icing mini teacakes. Gray was sitting in front of me and he just kept on smiling at me which was kinda creeping.

"Uh...are you alright Gray-sama?"

"Just admiring your beautiful face,"


"I don't want Lyon to steal you or anybody. Your mine and I didn't notice how lucky I am to be with you. When you were gone, I had all these thoughts of what it's like without you and I was so scared. I just really love you and...I never had these feelings for anybody except for you."

"Awww Gray-sama. Juvia loves you too!" I kissed him on the cheek and we began to both blush. Flare approached us and was wearing a cute maid outfit and putted our cakes and coffee on the table.

"Aren't you a cute couple. Here's your order. Pay at the counter when your done please," She smiled and walked away.

"I didn't know Flare worked here?"

"Juvia didn't either, well lets start eating and enjoy our first official date."

He nodded and drinked his coffee and all I was thinking right now is how great life is. All my troubles and problems when I first started at school and now life was a breeze and it felt like a beautiful paradise. Lisanna is happy and is doing great with her memory and wheel-chair. Which reminds me that I am going to visit her tomorrow as well. Lyon is doing fine in Lamia Scale and of course still really smart. Just life seems so perfect right now.

Btw this is a fanfic so Meredy and etc aren't actually in FairyTail in anime or manga lol.
I am sorry for not updating this story, and it even reached 7k thank you so much I love you all! I also reached 200 followers and because I did, I gonna write three chapters this week for this story! School started and I got a new computer as well in my room. So new quicker updates now! :D

You guys saw it coming didn't you? With the Merdey and Lyon part.

Well Bye for now!~chocolatefriend111

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