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Aaliyah~ OMG devin I know that you did it because you love me and you want to be with me so I don't mind just this once.

Devin~ awe I love you babe

Aaliyah~ I love you to. But I think we need to start packing.

Devin~ you right. Where are those clothes that you borrowed.

Aaliyah~ I washed them and put it in your suitcase.

Devin~ thanks babe because you know that's LIGETNESS.

Aaliyah~ oh my gosh babe. We should make who ever lasts packs does a challenge.

Devin~ what is the challenge.

Aaliyah~ the winner gets to pick.


We started to pack. Devin tried to make me laugh so I would go slower. He was in a rush I am pretty sure that he had a good challenge. He took time to come over to me and rub my belly. Which BTW felt amazing. I love my stomach being rubbed and he knows that. He did it on purpose so that he would slow me down. Little did he know I packed some stuff yesterday.

Aaliyah~ done.

Devin~ ho- ugh fine what challenge do you want me to do.

Aaliyah~ umm. Smoothie challenge. I will do it with you though.

Devin~ OK mamaz let's get the blender and food. I'll get the good stuff you get the bad stuff.

Aaliyah~ OK.

Me and Devin both headed for the kitchen. He got: yogurt, bananas, juice, strawberrys, mango's, and watermelon.
I got: chocolate syrup, tarter sauce, soy sauce, Chili, lemon, and chips. When we did it and it seemed like I got all the good ones because I had: bananas, juice, strawberrys, watermelon, chile, and yogurt. He had: mango's, chocolate syrup, soy sauce, lemon, and chips. I drank mine first it was so good until the chili came in at the end. He said that his was gross. He tried to make me drink it I told him no. Being the good person I am I gave him some of mine. Once I gave him some he drank all of it. I didn't mind this because I still had some juice left. Once we were done we went to go lay down. This was our last day here and we wanted to make it special. Especially since we have been arguing like every day. We decided to lay in bed and chill. Nothing less. I was in the bed talking to Devin for the whole night.

Devin~ babe guess what.

Aaliyah~ what

Devin~ you look hella smoochie right now.

Aaliyah~ probably because I am in your clothes.

Devin~ oh you are I only noticed what you face looked like.

Aaliyah~ awe baby I love you so much.

Devin~ I love you to babe.

We went all night just saying stuff like that. We ended up not even going to sleep. So the next morning me and Devin were tired but we decided to match. He wore a blue and white T. I wore a white crop top that said dope. He had a black and white Bennie. And we also had he and she is mine cell phone cases. We were also wearing blue and white Jordans. But he had sweatpants and I had booty shorts. We left the room with all our stuff and headed down to the lobby. Everyone was there already I guess that they were waiting on us to come down. Once we got down there we went straight to the car so that we have time to get Dunkin at the airport. When we got in the car me and Devin didn't get to sit next to each other. In the front was the uber driver and mama G. Then in the middle row it went Kevin Devin Nicky. I was stuck in the middle with Daniel and Natalie. Then in the back back it's Lexi and jazzy. Since me and Devin were apart we tried to sneak in some sleep which didn't happen. We just decided to text each other.

Devin~ how is it back there.

Aaliyah~ kinda crowded hbu.

Devin~ same. Did I talk to much last night.

Aaliyah~ No why

Devin~ it felt like u kept you up and you were trying to sleep.

Aaliyah~ nope you good babe.

Devin~ you now how I love you and you love me.

Aaliyah~ yes 😕

Devin~ well I just wanted to say I love you way more than you love me.

Aaliyah~ your a funny joker dev.

Devin~ how am I joking.

Aaliyah~ well you see I love you so much your love cannot compare

Devin~ I will not let you win this time because I love you so much babes.

Aaliyah~ I love you to but I just love you way more than you love me.

Devin~ nice try.

This went on until we got out the car. I told him that i love him more and he said fine you love me more but can we go get Dunkin. Let me think about it I said. Duhh I said impatient. We walked over the and you wouldn't believe who I saw. It was him the guy I have been a fan girl of like all my life. Devin was totally jealous of this guy so I asked him if I could so that he wouldn't get jealous.

Aaliyah~ baeeeeee

Devin~ yes.

Aaliyah~ you know how I love you forever and no one can change that.

Devin~ yes

Aaliyah~ well would it be OK if I got a picture with Corbin blue right over there. Please.

Devin~ well go ahead.

Aaliyah~ for real Devin.

Devin~ yea because I bet if it was Kylie or Nicky you would let me.

Aaliyah~ sure * mumbled *

I walked over there as calm as I could try to be. The inside of me was jumping up and down screaming my head off.

Aaliyah~ um excuse me Mr. Corbin blue can I have a picture please.

Corbin~ sure.

We took the picture and when we posed he gave me a kiss on the cheek. I was kind of hoping that Devin didn't see but I know deep down he was. This didn't even feel special I like Devin's kisses way better because I love him. I was just a fan of Corbin but I loved Devin and I was a fan.

Aaliyah~ thank you.

Corbin~ yes no problem

I walked back over to Devin kind of upset. He knew that he kissed me and he knew that I felt guilty.

Devin~ babe its OK

Aaliyah~ are you sure

Devin~ yes one kiss like that and I know that you love me more so

Aaliyah~ well you see...

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