the park

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*Beep Beep*

Devin's phone goes off.

He realized he was late to go to the park.

(the conversation)

Kev/dani~ where are you bro we are here like u asked.

Dev~ Sorry woke up late be there in 10 mins.


10 mins later

*Devin runs up to them*

Kevin~ what do you need to talk about bro

Devin~ there is to things

Daniel~ spill

Devin~ I was thinking that Aaliyah should go on the trip with us.

Kev/dani~ she should go with us!!

Devin~ but at the same time I don't.

Kevin~ WHY NOT

Daniel~ ya why

Devin~ because what if something bad happens to her I would think if was my fault because I invited her.

Kevin~ Dude do you really think like that. She is not going to get hurt.

Daniel~ ya think positive bro

Devin~ OK I will invite her. Also I think I like...

* Kevin inturupts *

Kevin~ You think you like Aaliyah huh??

Devin~ thank you for interrupting me but no. I think I like her friend Jocelyn.

Daniel~ oh get it boyyy

Kevin~ No you are supposed to end up with Aaliyah.

Devin~ We are just friends. Now I'm going to invite her right now.

* pulls out his phone to call Aaliyah *

Aaliyah~ Hey best friend

Devin~ hey. I have a question to ask you...

* Aaliyah thinking that she is getting asked out*

Devin~ ... Do you want to go on the trip with us

Aaliyah~ * slightly disappointed but happy at the same time* yeah I would love to. Let me ask.

Devin~ ok

Aaliyah~ she said yes

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