questioning it

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Aaliyah~ is this a joke. I'm pissed of. You don't play like this. * starting to get angry *

Devin~ babe just hear me out. At first the whole thing was fake. It was a joke. gco

Aaliyah~ No this is not funny * got up and started walking out *

Devin~ listen!! * grabs hold of her arm * Thomas didn't listen he actually wanted to get revenge. Once we here he knocked us against the head. Then he started beating us. I got dragged in here and you were here.

Aaliyah~ are you serious.

Devin~ dead.

I ran over to Thomas and started punching him until Devin and Jason. I started to get so mad I started to cry. I was mad at all of the boys. I told Devin to take me home NOW!! He walked me to the car. On the way home Devin tried to talk to me.

Devin~ babe?

Aaliyah~ what * with attitude still crying *

Devin~ what is wrong.?

Aaliyah~ what is wrong is that you wanted to play this prank then it went out of control.

Devin~ babe I'm sorry what do I have to do to prove it.

Aaliyah~ it's to late.

Devin~ what does that mean.

Aaliyah~ it means that I have to sleep on this it is 5 in the morning.

Devin~ OK babe.

We walked in the hotel I went straight to the room. Devin was right behind me. I shut the door to our room before he could get in and I locked it. I don't know where he went. I stayed in his clothes and went to bed.

* A couple of hours later *

I woke up and took a shower. You know the same routine as every day. I got dressed and ready. Once I got ready I went to ask everyone if they wanted Dunkin doughnuts. I walked down to their room but no one was in there. I walked down to Dunkin doughnuts by myself because no one was their. While I was walking there was someone following me. I started to speed walk. Good thing Dunkin doughnuts was right around the corner. I ran into dunkin donuts and went in line. I didn't see the guy that was following me. Once I got my doughnuts I couldn't find a seat because all of the seats were taken. Their was one seat that wasn't taken but it was a both seat. I went over there and asked. Their was Natalie, Nicky, Kevin, Daniel, and Devin. Oh never mind I'll just go back to the hotel and eat. All of them yelled no why would you do that. No reason I said walking out. Of course while I was walking out Devin runs up to me looking hot as ever.

Aaliyah~ what do you want * rolling my eyes *

Devin ~ can we talk?

Aaliyah~ well come to my room when you are done here.

Devin~ ok

I walked to the hotel and locked myself in the room. While I was waiting I was watching Spongebob. While I was watching it I fell asleep. I wasn't worried about Devin getting in because he could get in from the balcony. About 5 mins. later Devin comes in.

Devin~ babes

Aaliyah~ in here

Devin~ coming

Aaliyah~ OK.

He sat on the bed next to me and he gave me a kiss on the cheek.

Devin~ I missed you babe and I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for breaking your heart. I hate not being next to you at night or when you wake up. I hate us not talking. I hate not seeing your beautiful face. I miss your smile. I miss playing video games with you. I miss you. I miss my best friend. I know that you are mad at me I know that I took it to far.

Aaliyah~ I missed you to. * started to cry * I'm just in a hard spot with my parents being gone. Then you did that. I mean I still need to tell Nicky that we lost our mom last night. That is probably very emotional right now. I wanted you to be their but I couldn't tell you last night because I was mad at you for doing this. It's not even really all of your fault. Last night I realized how much I needed you that if this relationship messes up anything I will be really upset. Gco

Devin~ please don't tell me that your not breaking up with me and I'm sorry about your mom.

Aaliyah~ NEVER! It's okay babe. I'm just saying that I really love you and I didn't want to go through that. If I went through that on accident wouldn't think it was real and take it as a joke. Hopefully you aren't stupid enough to do that again. * gave him a kiss on the cheek teasing h I'm *

Devin~ quit playing.

Aaliyah~ I don't know what you are talking about Devin.

Devin~ I think that you do.

Aaliyah~ no I'm going back to sleep but you better join me I don't want to feel like last night.

He joined me and we fell asleep.
I woke up around 4 because I needed to use the bathroom and I was hungry. I tried my hardest to get out of his firm grip but I couldn't. I knew he was awake because he wouldn't be holding on this tight if he wasn't awake.

Aaliyah~ let go babe I need to use the bathroom

Devin~ and I need my babe to listen to me

Aaliyah~ what are you talking about??

Devin~ I told you to quit playin.

Aaliyah~ if you let go I will give you a kiss.

Devin~ ok

Once he let go I ran into the bathroom. I felt bad so when I got don't I jumped on him and gave him a hug. He told me that wasn't a kiss. To shut him up leaned over and gave him a big kiss. This kiss was different his lips were softer than last time. I couldn't help it I didn't want to stop. It keeps going and going. His hands were on my butt and my hands were in his curls. He squeezed my butt and I opened my mouth because I wasn't expecting that. He stuck his tongue in my mouth. This moment was perfect until someone knocked on the door.

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