I went back to Tweeks room. Tweek has already changed and was laying his project out, which was just a bunch of spheres.

"So, you're just making the solar system?" I asked.

"Yeah!" Tweek nodded, "I just need to paint them and then glue on the facts."

"Sounds fun." I sat next to him.

"I'm going to paint Mars." Tweek grabbed red paint.

"I'll start with Uranus." I smirked as Tweek gently hit me.

"Craig!" Tweek whined.

"That's what it's called!" I laughed.

Ws started working. After a while, we put on light music but the wind outside was getting louder and louder.

"How long do you think the storm will last?" Tweek asked.

"I dunno." I shrugged, "I can't walk in this weather though. So, you're stuck with me."

"Yippee." Tweek said sarcastically.

"Wow. You know, I've noticed you've become a sarcastic little shit ever since we started dating." I said.

"You're a terrible influence." Tweek said.

"I guess." I shrugged, "Or maybe you're too easily influenced."

"Or maybe, just maybe, you are-"

Thunder came loud and hard. Lighting soon followed it, making Tweek and I jump.

"Oh man, this storm is gonna kill us!" Tweek panicked.

"It is?" I asked.

Tweeks face soften and became calm. Tweek stared at me, like he didn't believe what I just said.

"Craig?" Tweek raised an eyebrow, "You okay dude?"

"Yeah." My voice became shaky. Shit.

"You sure?" Tweek asked worried.

"I-I'm fine!" I smiled, but Tweek didn't buy it.

"Dude, you're acting strange." Tweek said, "Like, you're-"

Lighting struck again, making me jump again. Tweeks eyes widen.

"You're scared of lighting?" Tweek asked, shocked.

"No!" I yelled, "I was just caught off guard!"

I used to be scared of lighting when I was little. Over the years, I've gotten better but I'm still scared. I can't let Tweek know.

"Okay." Tweek nodded, but he kept staring at me.

Lighting soon struck again, making me jump. I slapped my hands over my ears and I shut my eyes. It keeps getting louder and louder. It needs to stop.

I opened my eyes and saw Tweek grabbed my hands and pulled them down. He kept holding them and he smiled at me.

"You know, I'm scared of almost everything. I've never thought that you'd be scared of anything." Tweek bit his lip, "I'm sorry. I never thought about your fears."

"I'm not s-scared." I kept denying it. I can't let him know that I'm a wuss.

"It's okay to be scared." Tweek said.

Lighting struck again. I quickly pulled Tweek close to me, hugging him.

"Okay! Okay!" I yelled, "I'm scared!"

"You'll be alright." Tweek hugged me back.

"Fuck. I hate storms." I said.

The storm kept its pace, but I felt safe. Tweek made me feel safe. Is this what he feels when I'm the one comforting him?

"Nothing to worry about." Tweek pulled away from the hug.

Lighting struck. I jumped a bit but Tweeks hands squeezed mine.

We sat like that until the storm became calmer. Tweek tried letting go but lighting struck again, making Tweek hold my hands again.

Soon, the storm stopped completely and the sun shined through the window.

"See, it wasn't bad." Tweek smiled and let go of my hands.

"Thank you, Tweek." I leaned in and kissed his cheek.

"You always help me, so of course I'll return the favour." Tweek nodded.

We continued working on the project, acting like nothing happened. It did happen though, and it made us closer.

I was watch Ouran High School Host Club and this is what inspired me. Everyone talks about Tweeks fears but what about Craig? Another reason I wrote this. Also, isn't it adorable?

Thank you for reading!

Tweek X CraigDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora