So You Wanna: Role Play? (Half Advise Half Rant)

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I absolutely love role playing! But there are a few things that tend to make people mad...So here are a few tips if you ever want to role play, as always, you do NOT have to listen to this. It's just advise and you can choose to ignore it if you wish. So let's get started :3

The Basics: The basics are, talking, acting, and thinking. This can be described in many ways. For example, this is how I role play:

Calienia: I guess I'm the example? *sighs* 'I'm always an example...'

Unless you make a rp account or if you have more than one OC it's best to put the name first so everyone that reads your rp knows who is talking. Then just type when your OC is talking. You can say words in between these * when you want them to do something or in between these ' when you want them to think.

Not everyone uses * or ' some people use < > or { } it can go either way depending on you. When you say what your OC is thinking sometimes it's best to add Thinks: otherwise some people may mistake it for your OC as talking.

Another way to rp is to write what your OC says and does like you would in your story. For example:

Calienia blinked. "I guess I'm the example? She sighed then though to herself, 'I'm always an example...'

Not a lot of people do this because it takes a bit more time and sometimes ends up being a paragraph but it's fine as long as the role player enjoys doing it. So those are the basics and they can happen on rp stories, message boards, or even private messages here on wattpad :3

Fighting: Since this is Naruto rp there's most likely gonna be some action. When your OC fights try not to make them invincible or else it frustrates other role players and they don't wanna fight you again. A good way to avoid the mary sue strength is to give your OC some weaknesses and stay true to them.

You may wanna feel cool and strong, so does everyone else, but you gotta learn how to take the fall every now and then. Another way to avoid this is to also write down all your jutsu and techniques so your not just making things up each time. Trust me, it can be fun :3

If your role playing as a Naruto character then please stay true to all the jutsus and abilities they have. If you don't know them then you can look up the character on Narutopedia and it should show all their jutsus, weapons, abilities, etc. Say you role play as Naruto but you give him the sharingan abilities, that kinda disappoints some role players because they have to see probably one of their favorite characters in a new way.

In a spar you can just fight with friends and such but don't try and kill them with your best abilities because remember, it's a spar, not a death match. So that's basically all the fighting advise.

RP-ing Naruto Characters: In some Naruto rp stories you can rp as a Naruto character or like some people you can choose to make an account here on watty and act like a Naruto character. For example, I role play as Takiko, she was killed by Kisame, it's in Kisame's past.

Takiko didn't really have a name though, I searched everywhere but couldn't find it....So I actually made up the name. But I named the account Takiko_ and put a picture of her for the profile picture and put her past on the profile part. So that's an rp account which also works with OC's if you feel like keeping your writings on a separate account.

If you role play as a Naruto character please try and stay true to that character. For example, Hinata is shy, stutters, and is in love with Naruto. She doesn't go around all hyper and outgoing talking about how madly in love with Kiba she is.

If that's how you want an OC to be then maybe make it Hinata's twin sister? But otherwise it's best to stay true to the way Kishimoto put things. Otherwise it's like taking someone else's art and changing it so you get all the credit for it, it makes the true artist feel a bit hurt.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2014 ⏰

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