So You Wanna Write: A Itachi love story?

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Personality: A lot of times it can be tricky to get Itachi's personality just right. Itachi isn't a cruel person to the point where he's plain mean to EVERYONE around him. Itachi is just simply quiet. He only seems mean mainly around Sasuke.

That's because he had to put on that show and try to make Sasuke seem like he was still too weak so he would get stronger, kill him, then go back to the village. To keep this show up, anyone who knows or who has known Itachi would be treated as if they were weak compaired to him. Again that's only to keep up his act.

Around strangers I believe Itachi would simply be quiet at all times unless your OC talks to him first. Itachi has a very calm poise like personality. You would just feel calm when your around him. Itachi isn't heartless so as long as your OC is nice to him I'm sure he'd be nice back and eventually grow feelings for your OC friendly wise or love interest wise.

Just don't make Itachi seem more of a criminal than he really is. He's not a bad guy, he's just trying to save the ninja future all by himself. Sadly in the end when Sasuke didn't go back to the village Itachi's plan became a failure, luckily he's still in the game though ^_^

Ideas: I STRONGLY reccommend getting to know Itachi's full story before making an Itachi love story. On my other account I made an Itachi love story without remembering too much of his past. Now I'm going back and having to fix things because of it. Itachi's background story will most likely end up in your Itachi love story with or without meaning to.

If you don't have time to go back and watch the anime again to figure out more about Itachi than try looking back at the manga or Narutopedia. Since Itachi can be so sweet with his kind heart you have the oppertunity to write about really cute fluff stuff! :D 

For those who don't know, fluff or fluffy is really adorable cute parts that makes the reader blush and say Dawwwwwww~! Or Awwwwwww~! Like say Itachi and your OC were trying to get out of the rain and ended up in a cave. Your OC was freezing from the wind and their wet clothes so Itachi takes his cloak off and wraps it around your OC then uses fire style to make a fire for them.

When coming up with any kind of scene for your story it's best to try and be original, so it's not the same stuff the reader has heard before and makes them want to keep reading. It's ok every now and then to write a scene everyone else has used like the famous "Whoops he saw you naked in the hot springs and your OC flips out and blushes" or maybe the "Great we're locked in a closet and no one is home" scene.

Those are ok every now and then as long as a good 86% of it is your original idea. Since their aren't really many originality out there maybe some of the scenes have to do with your OC's past instead of Itachi's.

Apperance: One of the biggest Mary sue/flip sided mary sue effects normally land in the Uchiha clan category. Try not to make your OC seem like the hugest badass in the world whos too good for any guy including Itachi. Who knows? Maybe the Uchiha clan don't like people like that, maybe they like the calm friendly smiling girl who favors the color pink?

I'm gonna tell you all this right now. Uchiha clan members are FAMILY members. If you have your OC be a Uchiha and their love interest is Itachi thats kind of an incest thing. I'm not saying it's bad, wrong, or disgusting. I'm also not saying Itachi wouldn't go for someone like that becuase guess what?

Itachi killed his lover. If you saw the episode when Tobi talks to Sasuke about Itachi's life then you'll hear him say how Itachi also killed his lover since he had to kill off all the Uchihas. That means Itachi's lover was a Uchiha herself!

Just be careful, a LOT of Uchiha OC's I've seen end up flip sided mary sues. Maybe your OC has a personality like Obito instead?

Helpful Tip: When writing in the point of view of a Naruto character the first thing to think about is their personality. Then picture yourself as the Naruto character having their personality and in the situation you're writing about.

What would they be thinking? What would they be doing? In Itachi's case maybe he's thinking about Sasuke? Maybe he's thinking of the future or the fate of the world? In any situation he's most likely calm. In a battle situation he most likely has a calm appearance but is on high alert and thinking of tactics on how to win the battle.

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