Season 3 Episode 5: Careful What You Wish For

Start from the beginning

"It's been what, nine months?"

The twins nodded.

"So, you two maybe wanna head on over to the arcade or skatepark with me?" Gideon asked, happily pressing his hands together in a prayer sort of way.

Mabel placed a hand on the back of her neck and sighed. "Look, Gideon, we've had a long first week back. We were really hoping we could just relax for a little while."

"Oh, I see." Gideon gave her a sad look. He then shook it off and said, "well then, maybe some other time?"

Dipper and Mabel exchanged glances, nodding. "Sure, that sounds good."

"Okeedokee, Pines twins." Gideon turned around and grabbed ahold of his board, Wendy holding the door open for him. He gazed up at her. "Maybe you'd wanna--"

"You know what I haven't done in a while?" Wendy interrupted him.

Gideon shook his head.

"Drop kick you." The kid widened his eyes and lowered his head, leaving.

"Phew!" Stan sighed a sigh of relief. "I thought he'd never leave."

Mabel's eyebrows angled downward so that she appeared upset. "I feel kinda bad now."

Dipper patted her on the back. "No, don't feel bad. He gets it, our reason for backing out was valid."

"I guess. You think he's moved on?"

"Moved on?"

Wendy laughed, looking down at Dipper and Mabel. "Mabel, he's a changed kid now, but he's not that changed."

Mabel tilted her head to the side. "What do you mean?"

"He never shuts up about you, dude. Of course he says all nice things, and he isn't anywhere near creepy anymore, let alone evil."

"Well we know that," Dipper cut in. "We're still just getting used to him."

Soos then added, "he even thought about inviting you two to his birthday party once upon a time."

Mabel glanced over at Dipper. "I think we misjudged him just now."

"Eh, don't worry about it."

Later in the day, Dipper and Mabel sat around in their room together. He was working on a big summer homework assignment while she was finishing up with a couple of sweaters. "There!" she declared, holding up a sweater. "All done with my new flower sweater!"

"Argh," Dipper groaned, catching her attention. "Eighth grade homework is so annoying."

Mabel agreed with a nod, sitting comfortably on top of her bed. "Hey, that reminds me. Have you decided whether or not you'll do my summer assignment as well?"

He dropped his pencil as glanced up at her from the floor. "What?"

"Remember when I asked if you could--"

"No Mabel, I'm not doing your homework for you."

"Aw, but you have before." Mabel took off her sweater and tried on the new one.

"That was one time!" Dipper barked. "And only because you were sick with the flu."

"Come on, pretty please, Dipping Sauce!" she begged, hopping off her bed and kneeling down beside him. He grabbed his papers and slid them under his own bed, standing up.

"Ugh, why do you have to be so obnoxious all the time?"

Mabel got up as well and stared her brother in the eye. "Wait, obnoxious?! Oh, so you want me to be obnoxious, do ya?!"

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