life sometimes sorts its self out

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Hi everybody this is nearly the end one more chapter after this really hope you enjoy xxx

Chapter 23

Samantha's POV

The plan we had made up with all the adults was working. I was so happy. My mother knew and was so good not to give anything away. We knew he was a loose cannon and that he had to think it was going his way. It was the only way to trap him.

We watched him as he got our mother thankfully she did not put up too much of a fight. She would have been hurt a lot more if she had. Pretending to be asleep had been my father's idea.

We waited for the phone call from my mother to say she was ok and to find out where she was. We knew he was not exactly a genius to it would not be so far away. She called. She was ok thankfully. She had food with her. Plenty in fact. We had thought it would. He fell for all the parts we planted hook line and sinker. She was in his basement but all fine. She was not tied up anymore and she was uninjured. She needed to keep the phone out of sight so all would be ok so she would go. She told me and my father to be careful and that she loved us. We knew she was safe and he would be after us. We went back home.

We were now waiting for him to start on the next stage. Telling my father it was Jakeub's parents. We were ready for that too.

Katie's POV

We were ready. From the moment we met Samantha I knew I liked her. She and the kids finally told us about everything. She also knew what and who she was. Her father had explained everything to her. So had we to a part. We knew she was family. Everybody planned. Jakeub and Samantha were an important part of that. They could communicate between each other. I was happy to know that we all were apart for Sam on the same side as it was. Mike was so upset about his father when he first found out and was ready to go around and knock some sense into him. It was Samantha that had said we needed to play him at his own game. He would think he was on top all the while we would be planning against him, he had no hope. I am glad his father was not around to see all of this.

Kalin and I were ready. We knew we were a huge part of this. We would be captured as it was by Mike. He would let his father know. At that moment all of us including his own son and daughter in law would have him. He was one sick minded man. We were going to explain things to him and hope he would listen. If not we had only one option. His son had taken it upon his self to do it. He was the only one stopping us all from living in peace. That's all, all of us wanted.

We knew what was to happen. We hoped it would work out. We called the other. They were going in their animal forms so as not to get hurt. They wanted to protect themselves and also us. They were Griffins you see. They were like lions with wings big things. I knew that peace between us would come in handy. This was not a war this was one little old man. They were there to catch him if he escaped not at all needed really but just to be on the safe side you know. This was Kerry's idea. Although she was not magical she was very smart and had very good ideas.

It was their job to get Kerry out of where she was and bring her to where Kalin and I would be captured. I really was kind of excited for some reason. It was hard knowing Tommy and I would be apart for a while but it was worth it to know that Sam would be captured once and for all. We would all be happy. The kids had known of this for years. It was all they ever thought about. Maybe after this we could all have a holiday and actually relax. Nothing to wait for, we could escape for a few weeks. The kids were almost grown up. Samantha and Jakeub had been getting really close I was not worried we were distant relatives they had that choice. They had been brought together. I worried for my other two kids the twins they were starting college soon. They wanted to get out in the world, live and see it along with Megan's twins. We had to let them brave things by themselves. They were happy to just be themselves. They knew who they were. They would find their soul mates soon and have families of their own. They knew how things worked. They were twins. They were Unicorns. The next generation. Our first borns would take over. The next generation would have four royals. They would be at peace with the griffins and everything would be great.

First though to deal with Sam.

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