Ready and waiting

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Chapter 16

Katie's POV

I loved the thought of being a mum. The nursery was ready for my child. I had not been able to see a normal doctor as our bodies were not the same as normal humans. Instead, I had to see a vet yes the horror that must have been on my face when my Grandmother told me. The only thing keeping me going through that was knowing I was not the only one having to go through it. It did make me wonder if I would actually have to change to give birth luckily thought I would not. It was just the ultrasound would look very strange and we knew better than to reveal our identities. It would have been better I suppose if one of our extended family would have been a doctors or somebody but no we had to have a vetenary one.

I must tell you I had met a lot more people lately who were you guessed it part of our people. We were to take over as Queens once the children were born. I was a little scared I mean not long ago we had been in hiding and had no idea who we were. I knew that our people should not have to live in fear any more but it did not stop me worrying exactly how we were to do it. Would we have to fight? Or could we just live happily then take over in a few years. It was a lot to take in.

Seeing the families all coming together and meeting so many different people that were a part of this. They had had to live hidden lives too. It made me pity Tommy's mother. She must have been so scared all those years ago that we would be found there. I suppose Megan and I had put all of her family in danger and that was why she hated us so much. I understood. The urge to protect my growing lump was unbearable sometimes if anybody so much as looked at it funny I wanted to rip off their heads. Hormones again I know getting crazy.

I had grown up so much in such a short amount of time. I barely recognised the person I used to be. I could now only imagine the life I had. I liked having the man I loved and knowing I was carrying his perfect child.

The longer I was here the better I felt. It was strange to think of the two little girls Megan and I once were.

I forgot to mention today was our wedding day. Much to your confusion I am sure yes I actually forgot. This is what pregnancy does to you. I am only joking I just wanted to scare you just a little.

I really I am getting married though. We have set a date. I know my sister is looking forward to it. We I mean the four of us had become inseparable. I loved all of them so much. It was very easy to see why my sister had such strong feelings towards him. With the bond we share I get to feel all the love she felt for him and also the love he felt for her. I suppose it was very strange but we were happy with that. We all knew our feelings. We decided to share our day. None of us thought that we needed a day to ourselves. Born together, married together. I think that is a very good idea. I have the best boyfriend who knows how I feel and my sister knows how happy we are and vice versa. I have also developed a bond with my child. I feel the emotions it feels.

I went to the yard. We were expecting more guests. Am I selfish if I just want to have an afternoon on my own away from anybody? I suppose so. It must take a lot of courage for these people to come out of hiding.

Months later ..........

It is my due date I have been waiting so patiently. We have met so many wonderful people who are to help us through things. The wedding has been changed we have decided once we take our rightful place we will get married with our children next to us. I know there are a lot of people worried but truthfully things have been going really well. I still do not know who it was we were hiding from. I do know that once our children have been born the four of us meaning myself Tommy Megan and Kalin, will be having a very big meeting to decide when to I suppose you could say come out. The family we now have is so big. I do not know how they managed to hide who they were for so long. Before you think it there will be no fighting we are not like that. I believe we can overcome our differences and live peacefully. The truth is neither of the people has ever spoken only death has occurred. I do not want any more death.

Megan's POV

Well it has finally happened I am in Labour. How is this happening I am a few weeks early and Katie I don't know where she is? I hear a scream and a moan and realise it is coming from me. This is painful so painful. Mind you I have never been able to stand any type of pain. I will not even have my ears pierce although after this I am sure I will be able to cope. Another ripping pain comes wow how do mums go through all this and then decide to have another there is no way I will ever ....... Sorry another pain. I grip Kalin's hand tight. I have no pain for a split second and hear that Katie is also in Labour. Now that is very strange perhaps that is why the pain is bad perhaps we are feeling oneanothers. Perhaps her labour brought mine on. This is all too much the pain is now every two minutes.

The birth of my children I must admit was rather traumatic and hurt quite a lot yes that's right did I forget to mention I have had twins. Its quite fitting really I really should have expected that one. I have had a girl and a boy. The girl is so gorgeous she looks just like her daddy. Wow I am a mum and Kalin is a dad wow. We have not decide on names as of yet. It is so hard to pick out two perfect names for my two perfect children. Of cause my pretty sister who is now next to me has names picked out for a few months. We have been moved into the same room. We both still need each other.

Katie's POV

I am a mum and an auntie in the same day. Just shows we really still do everything together. My grandmother told me that my labour must have brought on Megan's to be honest I do not know what all the fuss was about yes the birth hurt but not as bad as what you would think. I think Megan must have had all the pain because I could hear her screaming down the hall. I really truly honestly did not think it was that bad but I would never tell Megan that. I don't think she would have another but I would now I look at my beautiful daughters face. Tommy and I had already picked a name She was to be called Alice. We loved the name. I looked over at Tommy who was looking at our other daughter Ellie. I loved them both already. I really did not believe their was two of them until they were born. I love the fact that my sister had a boy. I think she wanted girls but one of each is perfect. She still had not picked out names but I know she loved mine and Tommy's names. Mind you she and Kalin had known about our pick of names for a long time.

A little not from me ...................................................................................................................

Please please help me pick out names for the babies one a girls name and one a boys that would help me an awful lot.

I would also Iike to say to princessharley good luck with baby ashton when he arrives. ..........

Please comment with your name suggestions .......

I would like to also say It is my birthday soon and then my little boys 3rd birthday and I cant wait I love him with all my heart.

Thankyou all so much for reading and making me feel so special everytime I see their is one more number up on the hoe many times read.

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