Age 14

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Hi if anybody thinks this is good so far tell me. this is the first book I have written . Be gentle.

Chapter 2

Age 14

Katie's Point of view

"Megan Andrews hurry up. We have to go." I say this in the nicest possible voice. I mean seriously I love my sister but for goodness sakes, It takes me twenty minutes to have a shower do my hair and be out of the door but she started getting ready over an hour and a half ago. It is a very important day for us today. We have been in this orphanage now for seven years. I hate it here; there are still your typical little groups. I am one of the quiet ones. Megan on the other hang is confident.

I really want to get out of here this time. Do you have any idea how hard it is to get foster or even get the chance of an adoption when you are a twin? Two children are harder work more money and double the responsibility. Well that is what we have been told I mean you can't blame them really.

Today we have an interview with a couple who apparently really want to meet us.

"MEGAN I am ready and I have been ready for ages." I say walking over to her. "Do you need any help" "no" she replies and continues to apply the last of her makeup. I have settled for a pair of light blue skinny jeans, they have a butterfly on the pocket and a white tank top. I also have on my trainers as they are all I really feel comfortable in. I grab my white jacket as I wait for my sister. Megan is ready "finally" I say. She roles her eyes. She has heard this way too many times but I guess she will have to get used too it. She has on a light pink dress which to be honest is perfect for her. She is so pretty. Seems funny coming from me but, I have always been a sort of tom boy. Megan on the other hand is not. She completes her outfit with a pair of sparkly pink sandals they have a heel. We have a lot of outfits the same the staff thought it was funny to dress us the same only as we got older we really did detest it.

We were ready finally "we will be ok wont we Megan" I say. " katie as long as we are together we will always be ok, just think in a couple of years we can get a house together, no children's homes, no families that don't want us we can be truly happy. We can be who we want to be. We just have to get trough the next couple of years. I will always be here for you Katie; you have no need to worry."

We walked out of our room towards the stairs. The one good thing about being a twin is with shared rooms we do not have to share with anybody we do not know. That room is our place. You are not allowed to lock the door but it is against the rules for any other child to go into your room. We do that a place in our room for special things so you can lock them up, they are checked with you though so you can't hide anything in there that you shouldn't for example drugs or weapons. Strangely enough in care homes that does go on. Megan and I do not have to worry about that. We would never do anything like that. I want to be a doctor when I am older and Megan told me she wanted to be an actress or a model. But then again she said she also wanted to work with animals. Both of us had always felt drawn to horses for some reason although I was a little scared. I have seen a lot of horses with my parents. I think they owned an equestrian centre or something. Weird to think of how different our lives would have been to be brought up by our parents.

Walking down the stairs we stop as we hear a voice we recognise so well. "Oh look who it is girls" we hear the other girls giggle. Melody Smith, oh how I hated that girl. With a name like Melody you would have thought her voice was beautiful but no, it was screechy and got right under your skin. It was funny to think when we first came that Megan was part of her group. They used to go around making the other kids lives a misery. Megan stopped she knew it wasn't right. She then took it on herself to protect all the other children.

Melody's followers Mel, April and Chelsea were stood with her. Ever since Megan had left their group the girls had taken to making my life hell.

"Oh don't be late will" she said sniggering. Megan spoke up as I was a little intimidated by them. "Melody you are only jealous." "YOU THINK I AM JEALOUS" she said almost shouting calming down to a whisper she smiled and said "I could always go for you and show them what they could have with me. They look too rich and the lady is far too pretty to have you as her adopted daughters." Megan just laughed back it was quite a loud and sarcastic type of laugh. I almost laughed myself. "Melody, Melody, Melody, maybe you should go first I mean you can only show them what they do not want for a daughter. We all know that you are not getting adopted ant time soon. The last foster family brought you back after only an hour right." With that Melody turned and huffed. She looked at me and said "hey Katie maybe they will just want the one of you. Then who will protect you." I suddenly had the urge to speak out, "Shut up Melody. We will never be alone, we have each other yes you have your friends but they are only friends because they are so scared of you. No matter if you get adopted or not we will be family you on the other hand have nobody." She turned and walked off wide eyed. "That felt good" I told Megan. She gave me the biggest hug. Once we were down the stairs she turned to me looked me in the eye and said, "Katie I am very proud of you, I love you my beautiful sister. Now let's get in there and show them how great we are.

The unknownOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora