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Chapter 18

Megan's POV

I really did want the answers I waited patiently which for me to do is not easy. I really wanted to sit down.

"Sit sit, you must." He said (Adian that was.) We all sat; very greatfully I can assure you .We were offered a drink by a very pretty lady. I had not even noticed her until she spoke. She must have been the person who cared for him. Being ninety seven he must have been a little frail. He seemed like a lovely old man. His picture I remembered. He looked so nice when he was younger. Who was the child? I really did have to find out.

We would defiantly love a drink I said thankfully. I can't say after all the walking that I would not like one. I had my babies at home to look after; I don't think being dehydrated would be such a good idea.

We got our drinks and sat waiting. Adian had had a little sip of his drink. He could not hold the glass so well. The pretty lady we found out was called Imagen. What a lovely name.

Adian started talking. I won't bore you with the long speech taking breaks every now and again because he had to catch his breath. I am thankful we did not leave this for a few years. I don't think he would be around that long. That was a shame he really did not seem the bad person what we thought he would be. H did not have the hatred I thought. I suppose it was a lot of years to think thing through. I had told us for years he had hated us and got a group to make out groups lives hell. It was a tragic accident but both sides had a different side. My grandmother's mother and her sister were both pregnant. The boy in the picture had been our relative. He was part of us and them. Adian said he hated this for a long time he had a real hated so much so that he was banished from their tribe. He made it his life to destroy us. That was awful. In time the anger of both our groups was lost neither knew that Sam, Adians son was doing all the murder. We were retaliating on this group. I spoke for all when I said this had to stop.

I knew talking things through would work from now on their would be peace between the two of us.

The only thing we would have trouble with would be Sam. He must be old now so who would be helping him. And what exactly is he part unicorn and part .......................... Who knew what he would be able to do. It not like he is a feline or a canine so at least the sharp teeth and claws would be out of the way. The four of us should be no match. Hopefully like his father he would have gotten over the anger. I mean he already thought he had wiped us out.

We knew that Jessie had been going home from Adian both of the groups knew about the mix but neither minded yes it was frowned upon but also accepted. The fall of Jessie both sides thought it was the others fault. The baby Sam was born. They were both I mean Sam and my Grandmother, supposed to have a twin but the traumatic birth had caused the other twins to die. It was bad for the whole lot of them. Connections could sometimes be a bad thing. Both felt pain. If they had of worked together instead of the anger it would have been better for both.

We left after agreeing on the peace treaty. Just what we needed. We decided to hold a big meeting and a meal. We wanted to show how serious we were that we wanted to work together. Their had been too much blood spilt. We needed to work together.

Sam had not been in contact for years. That was bad really he had lost the whole of his families for what? He must still miss his twin. My grandmother had never told us that she was a twin. Maybe they feel lost without their other half like a part is missing. I don't think I could imagine life without Katie.

Hopefully thing will be good from now on. Our family happy. Their should not be as much fear. I really would like it to be like that. I do not want to live in fear. I have my children and nieces to think about. I would not like them to grow up without parents. I can't say it was the best part of lives. For one were always felt lost and two we had no clue who we were.

It was time to return to our children. I looked forward to both tribes meeting. I met some really nice people and wanted to keep in touch. Did I mention we have a new power we did not know about? The more we did the stronger we got. I and my family meaning my sister husband and husband in law could now fly. The mating and birth of our children had given us wings. Both our husbands also had the horns we did too. Must be something to do with being one.

I wanted to see my babies. I missed them.


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