explaining to myself

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this is short because hopefully the next chapter will be longer. Please comment pleasexx

I want to say something. I need a bad guy the worse bad guy. I know how I picture him but I wanna know youe thoughts. He is a type of hunter sort of a poacher. A truely evil man. any Ideas for the member of the cast. also where do you think they should go. its a road trip. It has to be amazingly fun. there will be a little romance xxxxxx

love kelly.

Chapter 13


"Why are you telling us all this. What exactly are we to do. Are we in danger now? I understand we have to be brave and get our lives back. All of them." I said knowing the answer. Me and Megan had to take our rightful places. Together

Katie's POV

Yes the two of us together could face anything. I was not a seventeen year old girl I had lost two years of my life and I did not remember my earlier two years. I felt bad for my parents they had given their lives to protect us.

Our won Uncle had betrayed them. We had been forced to go into hiding. God I hated him if it wasn't for him we would have known our lives and lived a normal one. Well as normal as we could. We would have known all along how to change into what we were and Megan would not have been so shocked about it. I worried about her too. Our roles had reversed and now I was the one protecting her, what's strange about it is I feel good. Better than good I want to change I want to be free. I have never liked my old life I always felt very out of place and you know what I don't anymore.

I thought long and hard at what this meant. It meant that Megan and Kalin could indeed be together they belonged together maybe they were meant to be. What about Tommy and I. Yes an extra two years was a good. It meant we were closer to age. Their had been six year between us and now their was four. It may seem a lot but seventeen and twenty one did not sound as bad as a fifteen year old with a twenty one year old. I kind of felt relived. It was possible for us to be together. This was the best news. Maybe I could actually be brave enough to tell him, but maybe he didn't feel the same way oh why does their have to be so many things. Why can't everything just be simple?

What exactly did taking our place mean for me and my sister? Would all be calm when we did or did we have a long way to go to restore the peace? Would there be tragedies along the way. Who were all the people we were supposed to be protecting.

So many questions. I wanted to know all of it. I would have pestered and found out too if I hadn't seen my grandparents looking to tired. They looked like the weight had been taken off them now. We knew what we were meant too. Megan seemed to be coming round to the Idea. I had walked back in without her. Kalin was with her. They needed alone time. She had to make peace. She had been so angry.

I heard through her thoughts that they were ok I suppose they had to be they had been gone almost two hours. All I could do was wait for her to come back. I did not want to push her. If I spoke to her through our minds would it push her away. Perhaps we needed to get away for a few days. I had grown up so fast over the last two days, taken charge. That would give Megan the time she needed to be herself and maybe if romance bloomed she would be fine about things.

"Laura, John, Paul, Grandfather and Grandmother may I have a word with you. No it's not about anything more to do with what we had heard. I just wondered if it was at all possible for the four of us with that I mean me, Tommy, Megan and Kalin to take a road trip for a few days you know have some fun and be teenagers." We all understand you need a break said Paul and yes you may but, you know we want you to learn to change again too. Perhaps Tommy and Kalin could show you before you come back or if Megan is not ready have your break and then come back ready to learn, how does that sound." I myself would be perfectly happy changing now but I really didn't think that Megan was ready. She needed a break. "Have we changed before?" I asked. "No you haven't usually we change when we meet our true mate. Sometimes it just creeps up on you but the strong feelings after the first change we can control. That means after the first change we can almost tell our brains to change and they will." I had never thought of that. Is this why they thought it better that we were away. Was Tommy my what did he call it mate wow this was great. The feelings I had felt for him were true. Had Tommy already found a mate had he already changed? I didn't know I had never actually gotten my answer I had only ever assumed. Was this such a good Idea when Megan and Kalin liked each other so much? Was she ready for this.

"Mate, what do you mean?" I asked. "Our other other half I suppose your soul mate, the one you are meant to be with." My Grandmother lulu said. She had a sparkle in her eye when she said it. I looked at Tommy who was looking at me. "Have you got a soul mate?" "Yes" he replied "ohh" I stated bluntly. "you" he said ever so quietly into my ear.

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