The outing

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Chapter four

Katie's pov

Megan and I both looked at each other. We had no idea where we should go. We never really went anywhere apart from with the group the lived here.

Laura suggested shopping, now that would make Megan's day I could almost hear her jumping up and down in my head. I could always tell how she felt. Sometimes we played around. The strangest thing was when one of us got hurt the other one of us could feel it.

We all went shopping, Megan and Laura seemed to be in their element. It gave me and Paul time to talk and get to know each other. I found out that he and Laura have a really big house with a pool, I could picture it in my mind as he told me. It sounded wonderful. They also had a horse stables, I would never have thought that. "Paul, I would never in my whole life have guessed that you and Laura would ride horses. I have always loved horses. I only remember little bits about my life before the orphanage but I really think that my grandparents had horses." "Yes we have always had a soft spot for horses, When me and Laura met at college we were doing the same equine course. Our parents both had horses. Maybe it is something we all have in common. Does your sister like horses Katie. ?" "She does although she would never want to do all the stable work coming with it. She would leave that to me I guess." We both laughed. It was nice to actually get along with somebody other than my sister for a change.

Megan's POV

When Laura mentioned shopping I burst at the seams god I loved shopping. Not that I ever really got to do much. We all got in the most beautiful car. I don't know what type it was but it was a lovely blue colour.

We entered the biggest building, well it was a shopping centre but honestly I had never been to one as big.

Laura practically dragged me into the clothes shops. Honestly it was like going shopping with a best friend not a potential parent. I could tell Katie was enjoying herself too. She was talking to Paul and whatever they were talking about she seemed really enthusiastic about. I must admit I really wanted to know. I was so protective of her I suppose when she did things on her own I got kind of jealous. "Megan, love over here you should see this, now do you prefer the pink or the baby blue." I walked over. It was the most adorable dress. "Oh Laura, this is gorgeous. I love both colours they. I love the pink one, owww and the blue one that would look amazing on Katie." "Well" Laura said "We must get both" we didn't really do the matching clothes but I knew Katie and I knew she would like that dress. We had quite a few outfits so far. I knew we would not be able to take them all home as we don't have the room and really it was against the rules to try and buy the affection of the kids. Laura told me that they would be kept at their house for now. I was not really that happy about it but we had to follow the rules.

We went to eat at a fancy restaurant after shopping. Wow the portions were so small but so much money. We were all hungry afterwards. I noticed how down to earth Laura and Paul were the treated us as equals. I really liked them. I have had such a brilliant time. I really hoped that Katie did too. I could honestly see myself living with them. I felt like we already were a family. I heard the faintest voice in the back of my mind. "I like these people." Aw my conscience must be speaking.

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