Surprises and the trip

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Chapter 15

Katie's POV

Yes it was road trip time where were we going to go ? We had no idea we decided to just go. Megan was getting very over crowded and Tommy and I had a little shock as did Megan when she found out. We were expecting a baby. We were only four weeks but apparently the first time me and Megan do the deed we catch first time. That maybe would have been handy to know before hand but to be honest the way I felt about Tommy I was very happy and excited.

Megan's POV

Oh my goodness my sister was pregnant I really can not believe my ears. You know what I knew before she did I sort of heard it if that makes any sense at all. I had always thought that she would make a great mother I don't know I have never really thought of having children. After a long talk with Kalin we still decided to go ahead with our plan. No body in our family knew well all apart from my sister who I had sworn to secrecy.

I would have a child can you believe it. I would be a horse and have a child. What would I do? Mind you me and Katie would be able to bring up our children together. Would they be in danger as we were? What would we do to protect them? We needed to know as soon as we got back.

In the car I spoke to Katie through my mind. I knew she had been having a hard time with everybody fussing around her. She had become so strong only to be made to feel a child again. They were only doing things to keep her safe and to show her she would not have to lift a finger but she did not want that. Are you ok Katie? Yes she said back. With that she turned and smiled at me. "Are you feeling nervous, Megan." Of course I was. I was going to take the next step with my boyfriend get pregnant the first time and have the added stress of turning into a horse what person in their right mind would not be nervous. She laughed as she read my mind. That made me laugh too. I'm so glad I am not on my own though.

Katie's POV

We were setting off we had had all the goodbyes and to be honest I just wanted to get out of there.

I was so happy to be away from all those people. I was so annoyed with the way they were treating me I did not want to call them my family at the moment. I suppose it was my hormones, and I suppose they were only trying to help me. I just could not take it.

A few hours later Megan and I were getting restless. We had an endless amount of money so that was no object. We all decided to stop for the night. I don't know what made me do it but I blurted out that I wanted a swimming pool and chocolate. "Katie sweetheart I doubt even you would be allowed to eat the chocolate in the pool." Said Tommy. I did not want to eat the chocolate in the pool I just wanted some chocolate and also I wanted to go swimming. I told him with a scowl on my face. It was a face he had seen a few times this past few days. Especially when he told me what to do. I was going to have to have a word with him. I needed to be able to do things. I wanted to enjoy myself. I had months towards the end that he could do things for me but I was not even showing. If my grandparents had not told us we would not have known so I would have to tell him to lay off me while we were on this trip.

I forgot he could hear my thoughts too. Oh no. He looked a little upset but at least it was out. Tommy I am very sorry but I really just want you to relax I am not going to hurt myself but I really did want to have fun. He smiles at me and kissed my forehead. "I understand he said." With that we decided to join the other. They had gone towards a rather large looking hotel. It looked expensive. I suppose the four of us were making up for missed opportunities. I wanted room service and I was going to get it.

The rest of the day was amazing I had my chocolate and my swim. I had my room service. I had the biggest piece of cake after. For some reason I was feeling very hungry all the time.

Tommy and I decided we would really like to have an early night. Well I say early but we would not be sleeping.

Megan caught on. She and Kalin decided to go for a drive and see where they ended up. I had told her she would have to go somewhere with a little room if she was going to do what she was thinking. It made her blush so I knew what she wanted to do. I told her not to panic and how to change back. She would have to do things on her own now.

I though a message to her. I told her to expect what I was having to deal with and also that when she did we would all be able to have a good run maybe on a beach somewhere at night so we would not be seen. I don't think it would be very good to be seen changing. I wished my sister luck and told her to have fun. She must have been nervous. I was for her. I wonder if she was going to be a beautiful white unicorn like me. Well with the two of us being Identical anyway I did not see why we would be any different in horse form.

It was a few hours before I heard a knock at my door. I knew Tommy was sleeping so I went quietly to the door so I did not wake him. I already knew who it would be and I wanted to know all the details.

I had listened intently and knew now that my sister had also changed. She was pregnant too. Her horse was also a unicorn only she was a shiny black colour. I knew this because she wanted to show me rather than tell me. I was a little put out I mean one black and one white but she explained she had a feeling that we would not be the same. We were told we were important. Maybe the two strong colours were like ying and yang two opposites but together we were unstoppable. I was happy she was so pretty and she was glowing. My sister was brilliant. They two boys joined us. It turned out after Megan had shown me we had talked for so long that it was now morning.

Weeks later.

Megan's POV

With our trip drawing to an end it was hard to believe that me and my sister were now with child. I could now change into my horse at will. I had my soul mate. I loved Kalin with all my heart. I would not have had it any other way. I liked it. I know in the beginning my sister was worried about me but I had come to terms with it.

We drove down the same path we left weeks earlier. Katie was now starting to show. I did not think it possible. She was only around the eight week mark. Her appetite was really well. She was so hungry. I on the other hand could not keep my food down for too long. I don't think I was going to enjoy this. But I really would have to just deal with it now. Kalin and I had almost decided not to tell everybody at home what had happened but we both knew it would for one be hard to hide and secondly I knew that if Katie had to go through it then so did I. I had made my bed so to say and now I had to lay in it. I know they were all waiting for us to do it. At least now Kalin and I would not be watched so closely. It would be me and Katie and our soon to be expanding tummies.

We returned. I was slightly happy to return. We would not have to try so hard to hide ourselves now. I knew it would be very hard not being able to sleep in the same room as my soul mate but perhaps we could think of a way to change that or maybe if we got married we could share the room. We were expecting. In Eight months I would have a baby and in seven months Katie would have her baby. I thought how exciting it would be to decorate the baby rooms and the pretty clothes. I would have to go shopping. I hope I have a little girl who I can dress up that would be great. I had over though things way too much. I did not give any thought to the pain and the having to look after the child. Katie was always saying how she had a feeling things could go wrong and something was coming to change things. I don't know why she would say such things. We were the most powerful of our people the added bonus was we were unicorns. We would defend our families to the end, like our parents did.

What do you guys think and do you have any idea what the babies should be or any name ideas xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

best names will be used xxxxxxxxx

The unknownNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ