Totally unexpected

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  • Đã dành riêng cho BeaBee

Sorry for the cliff hanger. I really hope you like reading. I was recently reading a story on here called inside your head it was amazing but bad comments put the author off writing anymore I thought that was really sad as the story was very good.

Hope everybody is ok. I am hopefully going to visit family soon with my little boy as some have not seen him in over a year. Anyway back to the story.

Chapter 7

Katie's POV

I looked at my sister in total shock. Paul and Laura knew our Grandparents. How could they not tell us? "Why has this happened now, why did you not tell us." I said to Paul, god I felt so much braver. "Let us go inside and all will be explained." I could not really complain. We have waited Ten years a few more minute could not hurt. I looked at my sister and smiled wearily to show her I was ok. It is ok, I heard in my head. Why did it keep doing that? Doing what, the voice said. I stopped startled. Was it my head the voice was coming from? I looked at Megan. I thought a thought and got an instant reply. Yes said the head voice. Wow she really could hear me. I thought to her don't say a word to anybody about this until we know what we are doing and who we can trust. Ok was the reply I got. What was happening how on earth could our roles have switched in a few mere seconds? Why was I being brave and why wasn't Meg talking. This was very strange. We walked into the block which was supposed to be the stables. It was clean, too clean. I did not see any horses.

We followed every body into one of the stalls. Funny thing was it looked like a living room. What was going on? Instead of straw there was a perfect replica of what my Grandparents old living room looked like. The same little bookcase with all the little nick nacs on it. I loved playing with them. The same pictures. I looked I saw recent pictures of us as well as old ones. Had they been following us around? Why did they not get us back out? Our whole life was a lie. I really did not understand this one bit. "So who is going to start, because I for one am very curious to know why for all these year I gave been lied too." I looked at Tommy and said, "I also want to know why a person I looked at as my best friend and told everything in also in on this." With that I scowled at him and walked away. "Katie, please let them explain. You need to know. I have said since I found out that you should know." "Know what will somebody just speak I and take much more this is too much, tell me now." I said, Megan was looking at me in complete shock. She came over and we sat together looking at all of their faces, waiting for them to start.

Megan's POV

Wow never in the fifteen years I had been alive had I seen Katie so brave. I was just as mad as her but I knew something was going on I had a strange feeling. We did need to know. Tommy was right. Was it good or bad? Were Paul and Laura good of bad now I had no idea? The life I had been getting used too these past few months all seemed a lie. The little talks we had as a 'family' all seemed so fake. I didn't understand but I sure as hell would find out.

"Come on speak we have waited long enough now." The suspense was killing me.

"Well, let's just say you girls are not exactly normal girls." My Grandmother said. It was the first time she had spoken. I felt the warm feeling surrounding that voice. "What exactly does that mean?" Me and Katie said at the same time. Under any other sercomstanses we would have laughed but with the intense atmosphere here we just kept our mouths shut.

"You two are both very important to our world and we had to keep you safe, we could not let that get you, like that did your parents." "Is this some kind of joke" we said as before, thank goodness we were on the same wave length. "Girls, please understand this is very difficult for all of us. It is a lot too take in. All we did we did for you. The other adoptions everything." "You mean to say the other times we could have been adopted you stopped it. Why did you do that we could have had a better life just as you wanted?" I said. "No sweetheart you wouldn't. There are a lot of people out there trying to bring down our family. You girls in particular. As I said you two are very important." Grandma Lu said. She looked for help I suppose as she looked in the others eyes. Grandpa Joe spoke "Girls you have grown into the most perfect girls we could ever have imagined. You both look so much like your parents and they would have been so proud of you." "Thank you for the sweet talk Grandpa but tell us what you have to say, right to the point, I want to know." Replied Katie. He spoke again. "Girls you are very special. Have you felt any connection to each other, I mean can you talk to each other without exactly speaking." We didn't know what to say, should we say yes and risk something bad or lie and say we couldn't I mean we have only just started to do it. Sure we knew what each other was feeling and could tell when each other was hurt but do we say it. "We can a little I suppose, but we are twins we have always had that connection." "Yes you have but girls you have many more abilities just laying dormant and something in you is just started to awaken. That is why things are starting to happen too you. Plus the fact you have both just turned fifteen. I admit I was an early bloomer but you have been kept away from this so naturally you wouldn't know." "Know what tell us please." Both of us said. "You are both ying and yang so to put it two halves of a whole. Two opposites that pull together." We looked as thought he was talking stupid but carried on listening "The two of you have a strange connection to horses do you not. Do you feel at peace around them, like you can understand them and they can understand you." He looked at us for an answer. "I suppose you are right by that," said Katie "I do feel like that." "How about you Megan, is it the same for you." "Yes" I said faintly. So quietly I am surprised they heard me. "Ok," he said. Paul spoke now. "Girls, you feel that connection because really you are one of them, well the top ones. Your parents were the king and Queen of our people. They were killed by hunters. We are still very loyal to you and so are the rest of our herd." I looked at them and almost laughed. "This has got to be a joke; really I mean do you really expect us to believe that." I really think the honestly did. With that Laura and my Grandmother, sort of morphed into the most

beautiful horses you have ever seen. I had to rub my eyes to make sure I wasn't seeing thing. I wasn't it was real my god they really were telling the truth. I didn't know whether to he happy, excited or scared. I looked at Katie who was smiling at them. I guess if she can be happy then so could I.

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