Meeting Anderson

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Luz's p.o.v
So I woke up anne was staring at me meanwhile she ate .
Blake tackled me with a hug
Blake let go i can't breathe!
He laughed and ruffled my hair
Finally your awake ! Your gonna be late for your launch party !
Oh my god my launch party ! I'm late !
Calm down luz i called mom and joel and told them if they could launch the party here from the beach house they agreed and there on there way . Oh okay but what will i wear !?!
Anne took out a cute blue dress with pretty lacing on the back .
I slipped into white high heels.
I combed my hair through and applied some new curls to my long hair .
I went down stairs the whole house was packed luckily anne was by my side .
Her phone had buzzed when she read it her face went pale .
What's wrong i asked her
Jae and Lisa are here
Ugh who invited Lisa ! I
I honestly don't know sorry.
We continued to walk When anne began to give me the look
The look was when we saw cute guys and we would usually rate them but i knew his guy anne was checking out it was

Anderson .

He ran up to me picked me up and spun me around .
Anne sure was surprised by what she had seen
He out me on he ground and put his arm over me

Hey Anderson this is my bestfreind anne
Anne this is my freind Anderson

Anne was still in shock
I nudged anne to speak
Oh hi , sorry about that it's just the first time luz has an incredibly cute freind .
I elbowed anne
Anderson just laughed
We talked for a while until xhavier walked up and asked who was this .
I presented him to Anderson , Xavier actually seemed to like Anderson.
When i finally found joel i gave him the biggest hug that could exist why because he had helped me with my new album he was the one who helped me get out of this jae depression.

Speaking of jae

I've been avoiding him all night .

So I went to grab a Sundae that was being served
When i saw the back of Jaes head

Jae was about to turn around and see my face when Anderson
Stood right in front of me and began to talk.

Thank god he did that because I really didn't want to talk to him i wanted to enjoy my night .

But Anderson didn't help on single bit .

He told me if i wanted to talk outside .

Wich meant that on our way we would pass by jae and that meant he would see


Anderson didn't give me time 5o answer his question he just tugged me out into the back part of the house wich led us into the beach . He was wearing a blue shirt with white shorts it looked as if we were a couple .

So what do you have in mind partner in crime ?
I said smirking

Well i was going to murder you , he said trying to keep his face straight but failed miserably and laughed

Me and Anderson talked for a while he said he needed to get something he forgot and told me to wait .
The sun was down and he had made a small picnic . I had a blanket wrapped around me keeping me safe and warm .
As i waited for Anderson i heard someone open and close the back door .

Anderson what took you so long!


I heard the back door close again who was that ?

A while later Anderson came out of the house

He was holding three roses

One white and two light blue

He stood in front of me

He held the white rose in front of me and he put his hand with both blue roses behind his back .

Close your eyes .

What ? I asked

He held my hand

Just close your eyes

He put his arms around me and i heard a very familiar song begin to play .

"Say something "

This was the song we danced to in dance class it had included dancing with a rose in our hands "

I rembered my que we began to dancing

We both moved swiftly in sync our hands linked together

He carried me the way we did before

He made me feel as if i were light ,

Dancing on the beach was hard good thing I had removed my high heels.

The song had ended with his hands on my waist
His head against mine .

I kept my face blank no emotion

I didn't want to smile i didn't want to fall in love again but this blonde haired boy always knew how to crack a smile put of me .

Both of us began to crack up in laughter

He kneeled down on one knee

Luz you've been my freind for so long your my first freind who hasn't seen me as a crush or just some football jock .
Luz I'd like to ask if you would be my bestfreind .
I ran up to him and hugged him he spun me around
I guess that's a yes he said smiling down at me .

Hold up luz he said putting me down
I have to confess something before we can officially be best freinds.
What's that Anderson? I asked in a worried tone

I - I - I'm gay

So what's wrong with that ? I asked him

He smiled and hugged me

Thank you luz your the first person to actually treat me normally after what I just confessed .
I hugged back and said
Anderson you know that I don't judge a book by its cover .

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