Chapter 4

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Over six hundred kids decked out in white apparel sat squished into our school's tiny auditorium. Drew, Maggie and I leaned against the far fall pressed against the other sweaty changelings. With my new and improved vision, I could see the stage as if I were on it. Headmistress Goodman and a tall slender blonde woman named Daria Jenkins, chatted in hushed voices. Goodman wore a simple black dress that fell down to her knees. Daria was the head Oracle at the school, and she taught a freshman intro class as well as a specialized Oracle class. She had on nice black slacks with an aquamarine blouse. It was traditional that Oracles' attire be blue during the ceremony, but since Daria was in charge, I guess she could bend the rules a little.

I ran into my parents on the way in. We said our goodbyes and they made me promise to call every chance I got. I really would miss them, but they assured me they'd visit for Christmas. And I guess it would be nice to have freedom for a while; Fortnight had strict, complicated rules, but nobody really bothered to enforce them.

"How long is this gonna take?" Drew groaned. I could barely hear her over the anxious gurgling of the crowd.

A few minutes later, the school- bell chimed. Every mouth shut, leaving the room ringing in silence. Goodman stepped forward and grabbed the microphone off its stand. "Welcome back to Fortnight Field Academy, sophomores." Her voice was filled with ancient confidence. I had a feeling that even without the speakers, I could've heard her here, in the back of the room. "Now, I'm sure you're all very eager to begin this ceremony, so I'll try to be quick.

"Repertum is the Latin word for discovery, which best describes your journey tonight. You will learn, not only about yourself presently, but your future among the Alii. When you start your classes next week, you will receive knowledge from experienced Alii. They have all been where you are now and understand what you are going through. If you have any questions, feel free to ask any of our wonderful staff." The room was holding its breath. You could cut the tension with a knife. "Without any further ado, please give your full respect and attention to Ms. Daria."

A low applause murmured as the speakers switched positions. "Good afternoon," she greeted in a calm, almost motherly voice. She appeared to be in her early fifties. It was a fair assumption since Oracles aged the same way as humans. Her hair was pulled back in a dancer's bun, making her look very regal. "I'm Ms. Daria, as Headmistress Goodman said. I recognize several of you from my introductory class last year and I'm excited to see many of you in my second year Oracle studies.

"Anyway, I will now explain the reading procedure to you. All around the school, almost a hundred volunteer Oracles have gathered to help. They have a desk set up in front of every classroom. Several of them are accompanied by upperclassmen overseeing the process for the purpose of their education. They'll be easily separated by their red clothing.

"Every Oracle likes to perform their readings differently. Some need to make physical contact, while others prefer direct eye contact. Just follow the directions they give you. When you are finished, you will receive a handbook regarding your species with information like what to expect during your transformation. I encourage you to look over it before school starts. You will need it for most of your classes throughout the entire year.

"Finally, I ask you to maintain a quiet, professional atmosphere so nobody is disturbed. Are there any questions?" Not one person made a single sound. We were all itching to get a move on things. "Well then, I now turn things back over to Headmistress Goodman to dismiss you."

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