My sarcasm is on fleek Chapter 47 ✊

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😐 Why am I attracted to boys I can't get? 😭

Rihanna's POV

As much as I am amazed at staring at someone's foot.
I would appreciate my personal space not being invaded. That includes smelling, touching and eating.

*Yes I said eating*
🌚You can physically eat a foot.😊

For example,
Right now.
I am completely squashed between two idiotic boys .

Who obviously don't know the meaning of toothpaste and deodorant... 😂💀😭

"Malak! If you don't get your unwashed, dusty ass feet from my face, I promise you will not see the living day lights"

Once again, I have been dragged and forced into slavery. I have been tortured and put in an unfair position, against my human rights. Why have I got to babysit?
I don't get payed for this!
Why have *I*got chosen to baby sit five grown ass boys?
Do they not know how to tuck them selves into bed?
Do they need help cutting their toenails?
Someone please save me!!!

Trying to keep them calm and
Quiet for two minutes is like telling a polar bear to backflip and do the conga!

These boys are killing me! I am ready to drop dead and die.. Can they at least act their age?! It's not that hard!

Right now, I have one boy reaching into his nose and digging out fresh bogeys to fling around the room.

I have another transforming himself into a Mexican turtle and running around the room screaming "I am the Pizzabot"
(Don't ask)

And you'll never believe this!
One is on the trampoline with two apples strapped to his head.

That's Malak. 💀😑

It's like the world is screaming at me. I'd much rather prefer babysitting two frogs and a cockroach!

Talking about frogs😂🐸👇

"Stop stressing" Tre said, as he leaped around the room on his imaginary bike like some kind of enchanted frog.

"I think I can see your stretch marks" Jalen laughed, earning him a slap in between his forehead.

"Damn Daniel" Malak said, pointing at my shoes, "Back at it again with the white vans "

The next person to say that to me is gonna get two slaps in the throat. I'm sick and tired of hearing those words. Malak better stay five feet away from me before I drag his NoSkittlesHavingAss off a cliff.

Tre is still leaping around the room like maniac!  Jalen is raiding the fridge of pop tarts and gummy bears!   And Malak has moved onto the task of annoying the cat. Right now he's poking the cat with a piece of ham glued to his finger.  The cats gonna bite off his finger and any moment I'm gonna hear a *snap*

They're not even listening to me.

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