Segways Chapter 36

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Rihanna's POV

"Umm" I said, unwrapping my birthday present and forcing a smile on my face. " This is ...nice"

A Segway! Really? If I wanted to die today I would of said so.

It's bright blue lights shined into my eyes, making me flinch. It's brand new wheels and its red base. These things are like three hundred pounds! If I break it. Omg if I break it. I'm dead meat. I'll have to reconsider my life. Htf do you get this kind of money?

*The moment when you have to pretend to like your presents*

"Well, get on it." Jasmine pleaded, her face filled with excitement and hope. Damn. If I say no... She'll end my life before the Segway does. This girls like puppy. She'll draw you in with her seemingly sweet kind eyes. But when you mess with her.. She'll make you regret it.

Great! Today's the day I end my life! It's been a long and enjoyable time. But I'm afraid that I have to retrieve to the afterlife. Farewell my minions. My spirit lives within you. I'm gonna fall of that Segway and crack my head open. ( PS~There is two packets of cheese and onion crisps behind my bed, tucked under the wall of marshmallows!)

I stood up and laid the Segway In Front of my feet. (I am soo gonna die today!) I attempted to steady myself on top of it. My feet placed carefully on its brand new base. But I failed. Unsurprisingly.

I got on it. I tried. I really did. But it left me. The Segway left me. It flew from my feet leaving me butt hurt on floor clenching my head. What did I tell you?

A laugh erupted the room. Walking in with his chest in full view.. Was Malak. His brand new Jordans and at a golden chain hanging around his neck. His hands cupped to his mouth, trying to stop anymore laughter coming out. This boy has no respect.

Aren't boyfriends suppose to help? Aren't boyfriends suppose to be supportive? Aren't boyfriends suppose to not laugh when their girlfriend has fallen off a flippin Segway!

No! I am not over reacting! I'm simply expressing my feelings. The only person overreacting is You! I should be on my way to the hospital from that fall. FYI I could of died. Soo please.. Exit...

" Stopppppp!" I screamed at him, picking up the nearest thing I could find and throwing it half way across the room. " I hate you."

Ok! I don't hate him! But you know what I mean! He gets on my nerves sometimes.

He scoffed at me. Picking me up by my legs and wrapping me around his broad shoulders. " I know you do" he said, lightly pressing his lips against my neck and then removing me from his lap.

I have a mouth. That's what you kiss with. You don't kiss with your neck. And you certainly don't kiss people on their neck. Can boys get more dumb! He didn't even say happy birthday. But I'm that type of girl not to care anymore.

Hold up! Where's he going? Where's my birthday present? This boys not getting out of here that easily.


Hope you liked this chapter..

Stalkers identity coming up..

When is your birthday?
😋 29th December 😛

I know I'm not the only person who pretends to like their presents! 😭

I don't overreact! I just tell it how it is.

Who else has rode a Segway/ Space chariot and failed?

If I die, the only thing I'm giving to people is a packet of cheese and onion crisps and a box of nachos! Even though I hate onions!

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