Its there! Cant you hear it?! Chapter 22

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Rihanna's POV

I feel..  I don't even know!! Malak's mine! We're official I guess? That's all I wanted! And that's exactly what I got! There's not a thing in the world I wouldn't do for him! The flowers he bought me are beautiful, and the chocolates are delicious! He really knows how to get to a girls heart. That's why I love him. It's funny how the person you love can cause you never to love again and can twist your mind in all sorts.

You wanna know what's also funny? The fact that i have courage to walk in the middle of the street, at night, with no one around.

I'm crazy! I know! But I have to get to Malak's house before night. Which isn't going to plan cause it's pitch black! My care worker made me stay in extra time to do my homework! I'll take the short cut. It's quicker. Plus I won't bump into anyone! I think?

I turn the corner into a black alley, my footsteps echo after me and the wind pushes me against the wall. I can feel droplets of water landing on my neck, I tighten my scarf and carry on walking.

I feel so paranoid, imagining crazy scenarios and questioning my way. Maybe, I should of stuck to the high street. At least if I screamed.. Someone could of heard me. Not that I need to!

I'm literally shaking. My teeth are banging together like chainsaws. My phone Stuck around my hand like glue.  I'm half way there... 27seconds to go..

I count down, distracting myself from the killer with gun, or the masked man. Hoping the numbers would stop my heart from literally jumping out my chest.

{26}Thunder hits me, making me jump and lose my balance. This isn't a good idea.

I could of asked someone to walk with me {25} or asked someone to drop me off! I'm soo stupid!

I've heard so many stories on the news{24} about lost and kidnapped children.

{23}And I'm that stupid to walk alone at nearly midnight.

{22}  I could be one of those killer cases that never get solved, or even worse....

{21} I stop. Every step I took the echo repeated. I'm walking on hard ground floor? That can't echo!

Right? {20} realisation hits me like a truck! Another echo reached me! But I didn't even step?

{19} Someone's following me! No! I'm imagining stuff! I'm not in those movies!

Those things don't exist! {18} I stumble across the alley, resting on the wall and taking a look back. My eyes are deceiving me.

{17} my minds playing tricks on me! These things don't happen to people like me.

{16} I glare across the road, the branches of trees reached out to me like hands. The road caved in. I need to stop!

{15} I felt something brush my shoulder, I looked back in horror expecting a blood sited killer. But instead, saw a deserted children's play ground.

{14} this is a joke! I bet on my life that Malak's gonna jump out of a bush or something.

{13} this has to be prank! It's obvious! Right? I can hear them giggling! If it is them....

{12} I call out after them, but my reply was muted. I lowered my eyebrows and folded my arms.

{11} once more I shouted for Their name! But Some thing caught my Eye instead! A small, but little thing made me speed up my pace.

{10} eyes torched me from a distance. Eyes that were unheard and unseen.

Until now! {9} till this point I was running, aware of my surrounding, rushing my feet to the house at the end of the street.

{8} My life was flashing before my eyes. This isn't real! NOTHING IS REAL! When I wake up.I'll be nice and warm in my bed. With a nice cup of hot chocolate on my drawer.

{7} I'll be wrapped around Malak's arms, he'll be rocking me side to side, convincing me it was a dream.

{6} But if this is a dream! Why can I feel pain? Why are my ankles red and sore from the running? Why is my heart beating louder than it's ever beaten before?

{5} I feel like falling? Hope meets my eyes, as I see the door in my view! I rush towards it. Not taking a second glance back.

{4} I reach into my pocket, pulling out the extra keys to the door. The keys scramble in my sweaty palms as I attempt to open the door.

{3} the door smashes open leaving me fallen on the floor!

{2} I made it! I'm here! Safe! Worry- free! I close the door , locking the locks and calling out for malak.

{1}I can't breathe! The running has me dead and defeated! I'm never! EVER! Doing that again!

{0} No one was there? A noise frightened me!

I looked out the window....

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