Are boys humans or aliens? Chapter 15

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Crystals POV


(The woman walked into the forest, her breath increasing and her eyelids slowly falling shut. The trees towered over her, imprisoning her in a dome and making her shadow grow. Fierce eyes scuttled along her feet. It's him. She sunk to the floor. A hand brutally grabbed her throat. And dug deeper..and deeper...crushing her and.....)

OMG! I can't watch anymore. That poor woman is gonna be curry powder by the end of this film. Omg! I can't watch blood!

I feel like I'm gonna faint! I'd rather watch CHUCKY! A killer doll is better that this movie!

I would go but Tre's here and I don't wanna act scarce.  I can hear Chloe and Jalen quietly kissing and giggling, thinking no one can hear.

But I'm pretty sure that the row behind them is quite disgusted watching two teenagers exchanging saliva! 

AHHHH! Oh My God! Forget about curry powder, that poor woman has turned into chicken powder!

I squeeze Tre's hand, hoping that the films nearly finished. I think he's scared too cause he literally strangling my arm!

He's so cute, he got his braces done last week( they are pink and light blue) they suit him and his dimples, and make him look more desirable.

I feel so fat. I'm literally digging my face into the shared popcorn. I'd do anything at this point to distract me from the view of someone's insides.

Why didn't we just watch a romantic movie? But no.. Chloe HAAAADD to mention insidious!

I'm gonna have nightmares for the rest of my life! I'm gonna have to go rehab for hallucinating.

Tre wraps his arm around me, smiling and then turning back to the movie.

Some how this is actually comforting, who wouldn't want to be wrapped around their crushes arms?!

I tilt my head onto his shoulder and shuffle around a bit.

If my dad caught me, in the cinema, hugging and kissing boys, at 8pm, on a Saturday, when I'm suppose to be doing my homework!

I would never set foot in the living daylights again. He's so strict!  but it's better to have a dad who cares than a dad that doesn't think to spend time with you.

I guess I'm lucky ... in a way.

Are we official? Or r we just *dating*? Does Tre want me?

As in girlfriend? Or best friend? Oh my god! I hope he doesn't put me in the friend zone! I'd die if he put me in the friend zone! 

We haven't even kissed? Chloe's gotten more than a kiss - I don't have to tell you that. Me and Tre have just hugged. It isn't that interesting now that I've thought about it.

Should I lean in for the kiss now? That would probably make me look desperate! Or clingy... Anyway boys are suppose to lean on for the kiss first! Right?

I'm scared that id get rejected! Or worse!

You can't really tell what boys are thinking. I don't think their even human! 

They probably came from a planet called clueless or something.. They probably thinking the same about us.

Except that we come from a plantet Called "prettybutdangerous"

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