Bae? Who? Me? Boy no! Chapter 18

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Jasmines POV

Does that clock ever stop ticking? I swear it's out to get me. Not like detention is enough. Mrs Cherry's teaching...

Her white hairs stick out like lightning and I'm not even gonna start on her wrinkles.

The red lipstick she wears has the blood of the students she's eaten! Total blood shed under her desk.

Probably explains why her lips are chapped and her teeth are as sharp as fangs.

Every words she speaks ends up in a war between me and her spit. It's DISGUSTING! Does she even brush her teeth? One word and your knocked out off your feet. She spits fire as far as I'm concerned.

>I will not disturbed and backchat to my wonderful teachers as I come to school to learn and take forward information into my later life. < x1500

My hands are numb! I can't bear this! What I'm writing doesn't even make sense! AND it's against my human rights! I don't disturb my teachers- they disturb me. It's rude to talk when someone else is talking. So why do THEY do it. I'm having a friendly conversation and THEY choose to interrupt it.

Like..... Excuse yourself! Back Chatting is expressing my opinion! AND expressing my opinion is part of my HUMAN RIGHTS! Sooo

Plus, how's finding out how many wives Henry the 8th had gonna help me find a job. If I was rich and fat and had a ex I would chop of their head 2! AND I WOULDN'T HAVE TO GO TO SCHOOL! Boys are exactly like that! Speaking of boys!

Why does this boy think it's expectable to throw paper at me? Am I a bin? Do I need to come up to him and throw myself at him? He better watch him self.. I can hear him sniggering from the back of the room.

Fades annoying! When I mean annoying I mean ANNOYING! The kind of annoying which makes you want to throw him off a cliff or drive a car right through him!

I can see him moving to another girl! It's like his daily routine. I'm not that girl. ANYMORE. I can feel Mrs. Jealous  slowly creeping her way into my feelings. But she ain't going no where! I've already locked her in a box and burned her.

"Hey bae"

Did fade just call ME bae? I turned around meeting his eyes, his hands curled up in his hair.

"Yeah you"

This boy is actually trying it with me, it's not gonna be like that again. He's already won. I won't let him win AGAIN. I can't afford to be embarrassed for the second time this month. I roll my eyes and turn back to my desk!

"Bae you mad! I love it when your mad! Come give me a cuddle! Aye bae! Bae! Bae! Bae!"

The words 'Bae' echoed in my ears along with the words 'lie.' He repeated it like it was a melody. Moving an inch closer with his desk every time he said it. I could feel a smile form around my face. But I quickly hid it with my hands. Turning in the opposite side of his face.

'Bae! You still there?' He said, licking his lips and lifting my hair from my eyes. "Where are you now that I need you" he sang.

I could feel a little part of me blush. And the other part holding back and avoiding his eyes! He's actually cute when he's silly. When he's with his friends, he's always the centre of attention. His corniness was unleashed. And I kinda liked it.

I like him. But not in that way! In a 'friend' way. I think. He's fade. I could never. He's hurt me too many times. And he needs to get his face outta my bubble before I punch him!

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