I'm bipolar asf✌️ Chapter 46

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Rihanna's POV
Malak needs to stop.
I asked for Skittles NOT M&Ms.
There's a difference....
I've been waiting for two hours and that boy has still not arrived with my god damn Skittles.

My hands and feet are frozen. And I can literally feel the scent of dead rats crawling up my skin.
This is exactly why you don't volunteer for anything at school. They got me cleaning dead bodies from the basement.

Malak's lost. AGAIN! He's like a seven year old, high on peanut butter and cream. He's like a monkey on steroids. He needs the guidance of a woman. Who's  strong and independent, like me.

Not you. Me
(Who else could steal MALAK WATSON!)

That boy is probably dip dying his hair in taco sauce. Lord knows what he's doing. All I know is that.
A) I'm hungry

I am a very needy child, who deserves a lot of food and attention,  so do not test me. I would be more than happy to skin you alive.

But don't worry.. I love you. Your beautiful long/short hair and your wonderful smile. Those bright white teeth and your eyes.
But I will stalk you. Cause I am me. So do not test me.......... Child.

" There weren't any Skittle but I got Pop Tarts." Malak Said, having the audacity to approach me after my two hour wait in the freezing cold.

And now is the time he decides to approach me. I'm nearly frozen to death, my fingers are bright red, I'm struggling to even speak and apparently... I haven't got Skittles but....

I think now is the time to prepare a funeral for Malak Watson. He has not only been a loving person but a NoIDidn'tBuyUSkttlesButPopTarts boyfriend.

He will not be with us, for such a underestimated mistake. But I can be absolutely sure that I will receive my Skittles eventually.  

Please show your respects by commenting "RIP Malak Watson"

I gripped my coat, to stop my hands from reaching out from my pocket and destroying Malak and his sweets.

" Awww" he said, lifting his hands up and squeezing my cheeks.
" Your so cute when your mad"

I turned my head away from him, hiding my faint smile and indicating to him that I was still mad.

" Talk to me" he pleaded.

I stiffened my jaw, refusing to speak till I was given what I wanted.
One thing.
I asked for one thing.
And he bought the complete opposite. That's like asking for a cat for Christmas  and getting a whale. 

" Malak, I need you to pick bubblegum from under the desks" The teacher said, summoning Malak inside for his detention.

" Can't I do something else" Malak replied.
" No"
" Please"
" No"
" Please" Malak said again, giving a seductive look.
" Malak. Inside now!"

How is Malak flirting with the teacher? She's like eighty! Probably older than his entire family combined. And I'm over here with my spotless baby face, while she's over there with spiderwebs under her eye lids.

" I'll see you later, yeah." Malak said, acknowledging my annoyed face and leaving me with a kiss on the cheek.

But he didn't just leave me with that. He said something that annoyed me so much but made me feel so happy with myself. This is exactly why you need to get your own Malak Watson........
" Oh and by the way, here are your Skittles"
Sorry I haven't updated in the while. I've been kinda busy. But this book is nearly at the end and I'm hoping to start a new one.

Who here is bipolar asf?😭✋

What's your favourite chocolate bar?

Who is gonna attend the funeral of Malak Watson? #FreeSkittles

Why is everyone starting to get in a relationship?
Heismanken has a gf
TheRealJalenVasquez has a gf
I have a boyfriend and his name is Mr phone

Someone explain to me what Pop Tarts are! I've never had them!

Let's do the tally thing again👇
What team are you?











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