"How did that happen? I thought someone named Havoc ran that?" it was Jace who spoke this time. I laughed "I'm Havoc, how it happened well being the girlfriend of the president helped but because I have the respect of the other girls." I said taking a deep breath "They know I only have the best interest in the club and helping out Abel and the guys." I said.

"What happened to you that got you shot?" Matt asked "We had to pick up cash from some places that use our protection and we got ambushed from Widow!" I said her name with disgust. "Who's that?" Jace asked. "She a big rival of the Vixens mostly me though. It started when I first started dating Abel." I said

"She had some feelings for Abel but when he got with me she left only to come back he dating our rival. The Slick Bastards president." I said. "Why do you have a patch that says Women of Madness?" Matt asked I looked at him. "Do you really want to know that?" I asked him seriously. "I'm not sure I do but I can pretty much guess." he said looking away from me.

"It means I've killed for the club." I said my eyes looking to Jace I couldn't read the emotion on his face it was unreadable. Matts face was blank "Don't think to much about it this is the life I chose I'm the one who's going to live with the decisions that I made." I said getting off from the bed.

I felt kind of wobbly I think Jace noticed cause he looked like he would be ready to catch me just in case I passed out or something. "How can I not think about it you my little sister your not meant for this." Matt said looking at me.

"Matt there's nothing that you could have done & it's not like you were around much either trust me I wouldn't change things." I said seriously. "You should be resting Lexi" he said trying to take me back to the bed. "No I have to take care of things a little gun shot wound won't put me out trust." I said smiling.

"Come on the both of you are coming with me" I said to Jace and Matt. we walked towards the front of the club house I saw Tito picking up beer bottles. "Tito where's Abel?" I asked him "Oh Havoc your up you scared me when you fainted like that, um Abel he's in the meeting room." he said

"Thanks Tito and my bad it won't happen again promise but you had to have known I wouldn't be out very long." I said. Tito began laughing "Yeah we all know you never stay down not even at your worse" he said. I smiled "Come on guys we got to talk to Abel." I said

I pushed open the doors I seem to have a bad habit of not knocking but oh well. The scene I saw I didn't like it, there was Abel with Lisa he was hugging her. Lisa had her arms around his waist with her neck in his shoulder. I could feel my anger start rising up in me.

"Am I interrupting something!" I said loud and clear. They instantly looked in my direction and let go of each other. I raised my eyebrow at them I could feel the stares Jace and Matt were giving me. Jace was on my right with Matt on my left. "Im just going to go." Lisa said making her way to the door.

Jace moved aside so she could pass but as she was next to me I grabbed her arm hard pulling her close to me. "No why don't you stay I really want to know what was going on." I said with pure anger. Lisa stared at me with a blank face "It's not what it looks like Lexi just let her go." Abel said.

"No I don't think I will go head explain Lisa." I said staring at her. She didn't respond "I'm waiting!" I said tightening my grip on her arm. "She just wanted some comfort she told me how you slapped her." Abel said to me. I took my eyes off her to look at Abel.

"I did slap her and it was a well deserved one at that" I looked at her "Don't come to my boyfriend for comfort because that slap I gave you earlier is going to seem like nothing to what I'll do to you if I find you alone with him ever again!" I said low so only she would hear.

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