"Going? I was just gonna go...get my car from Victor's," I sputtered, nodding.

It wasn't a lie.

"With your backpack?" He gestured to the bag that hung loosely from my shoulder. "At two AM?"

"Ah-heh-heh," I scratched my head as I glanced down at the incriminating evidence. "I...uh...wanted to grab some stuff I might have left...at Victors...?"

"At two AM?" He repeated, and I winced, and then sighed.

Logan knew he had me, crossing his arms as he tilted his head with an expectant expression. I dropped my bag to the floor.

"Look, you're not going to stop me from doing this," I told him, looking up to finally meet his gaze. 

He narrowed his eyes. "So, what? What are you going to do?"

I leaned against the table, running a hand through my hair as I set my phone down next to me. "I'm going to get him back."

"How do you plan on doing that, Jane? How in the hell do you plan on even finding him? They let me listen in to you when they were done interrogating me. They didn't tell you where he was, Jane--," He stopped, as my expression smoothed over. I didn't look away from him, but I didn't say anything either. 

"No," He realized, lifting his hand to point at me, "You... were lying."

I pressed my lips into a thin line, as Logan put the pieces together. "You were, all this time, planning to go and...and what, Jane?" He asked, and this time he pushed off of the door and stepped forward, "What were you planning on doing?"

I stared at him, unaware of what my expression portrayed as I opened my mouth and sucked in a breath. "I'm going to return Victor."

"Return him?" Logan's eyes hardened. "You say that like you don't plan on returning with him."

I swallowed, Ike's image coming up in my mind as I thought of  what was going to happen up there. "If...if it comes to that-,"

"No!" The word was loud enough to make me flinch, as Logan stepped forward and grabbed me by the arms, "No, Jane! Not again!" His expression was angry, as he pulled me toward him and forced me to look into his eyes. "I won't lose you a second time. Not like this," His voice faltered, as did his expression, "Not again."

My own eyes were wide, as I took in his broken expression and tone. He was frustrated, but also hurt. Extremely so. 

"Why are you doing this to me, Jane?" He shook me, as if doing this would relieve some of his pain, but it only jostled me a little, as I didn't look away from his gaze.

"Logan, you have to let me go."

The words seemed to shock him. Or perhaps it was the tone I used. Firm, and with underlying implications. If he didn't let me go, I would resent him for it. I would hate him even as I loved him. Carefully, he let me go, allowing me to slowly ease back onto the ground where he'd picked me up slightly when he grabbed me. He backed away from me, glancing around the kitchen for a moment, before settling his eyes onto my backpack. He thought for a moment, narrowing his eyes on the bag, before turning his gaze up to me.

"If I can't stop you, than I'm coming with you."

And without waiting for my response, he whirled and left the kitchen. I was speechless anyway, my mouth hanging open as I blinked, noiselessly asking what the hell I just heard. No, no, no. This wasn't a part of the plan. Logan couldn't accompany me! It was me Ike wanted. Logan would only get hurt. But Logan would only chase me down, now, if I tried to leave. He'd alert the police - there was no telling what he'd do if I left now that he knew that I was leaving.

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