Chapter 6. Games day

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Omg there is only one chapter left after this! I'm gonna miss writing this story so much...

On a brighter note! I was pondering about making either a second book or! A book explaining all the smaller details I didn't explain like Kathleen and Isaac's relationship before the breakup.

You could either PM me or just comment on the chapter about which you would prefer.


Screaming wasn't an odd thing at RMIS, quite the opposite actually, so when an over exaggerated scream echoed through the crowded hallways no one payed much attention.

Today was a special day. Not only was it the day of the formal, but it was a 'games day' as the teachers liked to call it. This 'games day' was basically a day the students could wander around the school and play on their phones, DS's, IPad's, or play Just Dance and Mario Kart in their classrooms.

Everyone loved games day. The teachers allowed almost anything and they didn't have to do any work other than the occasional fun worksheets their teachers would hand out.

The screaming however, was a thing the teachers didn't allow but as the students liked to say, "You're not breaking a rule unless you're caught doing it."

"Today is the worst day ever..." Brianna groaned.

Not only was she wandering the hallways alone as her friends had ditched her, but Caroline, the person whose house she was supposed to stay at until the formal because she lived too far away to go home, had disappeared for the last two days.

Brianna was worried she wouldn't have anyone's house to stay at so she wouldn't be able to attend the formal. Brianna lived quite far away from the school and both her parents were working so she wouldn't be able to get a ride to the formal - which started at 6:30 - if she couldn't stay at Caroline's house.

"Oh my god I hate my friends! They are worse then trash dad..." Brianna mumbled to herself as she trudged down the hallway.

"Hopefully I'll find someone... Even Sour boy would have to do..."

Sour boy was a nickname they had given Brian last year when he misspelled Soar as Sour. It's not that Brianna hated Sour boy, quite the opposite actually as she thought he was exciting and fun, but she would rather find her friends so she could have at least some fun that day.

"Nico I could totally beat you at Mario Kart!"

Brianna heard the smug voice of Spencer (Cough* Honey Queen *Cough) as she rounded the corner towards the French Emersion side of the school. She tensed, as she knew that wherever Spencer went Nico went as well.

"Sure... Without your little servants you would stand no chance against me." Brianna saw Nico giggle to Spencer as they walked down the hallway towards her.

Brianna rolled her eyes at his cockiness before walking up to them, "Hey you scrubs."

Spencer frowned, "How dare you treat your Queen with such disrespect!"

"Sorry Honey Queen but I no longer follow you." Brianna shrugged, grinning internally as she watched Spencer whine to Nico about how everyone 'hated' him.

"So... You excited for tonight?" Nico asked, more to Brianna than Spencer.

"Yeah! I was gonna go talk to Senja-" Spencer started but was interrupted by Nico.

"Brianna? You excited for tonight?"

"Sort of... I'm mostly nervous though as I haven't seen Caroline in days and I'm supposed to stay at her house tonight..." Brianna shrugged.

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